Malaysia Currency Unstable Or US Dollar?

Yesterday Malaysia gold price jump high to RM110 at closing but along the day PBBank selling price stop at RM110.86 and buying price at RM106.28 if base on yesterday exchange rate by using gold, Malaysia ringgit is RM3.60 equal USD1.

Thing have change today by after opening Malaysia market at 9:00 am the gold price drop back to RM108.11 per gram equal to currency exchange RM3.52 = USD1. For PBBank the selling and buying price still same like yesterday, what had happen?

from the 3 days chart, gold price was jump up and down due to currency exchange between USD at RM3.60 and RM3.52, I had see this sudden jump up and down few time in month of July. Really did not know what happen to Malaysia currency with US dollar, but I think Malaysia ringgit is devalue itself for better import or it is a sign of high infraction is about to hits us in Malaysia.


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