The gold price dropped $6.00 Wednesday to $1,829.50 per ounce after gaining 2.6% during yesterday’s session. While the price of gold has been mired in a trading range over the past two weeks, the broader stock and commodity markets have regained their footing. Stocks are on pace to advance for the fourth consecutive day on rising expectations that the Federal Reserve is prepared to implement additional monetary easing measures at the September Federal Open Market Committee meeting.

The mention of additional stimulus measures helped send the gold price toward $1,840 per ounce. Looking ahead, many market strategists have adjusted their monetary policy outlooks to account for a more dovish Federal Reserve for longer than previously expected. The latest strategist to do so was Macquarie’s Stephen Harris, who in a note to clients wrote that “We think the Fed could keep rates unchanged until 2015. This is an increase from our previous expectation of 2014 and indeed, we don’t think it is much of a stretch to see short rates remaining unchanged for the rest of the decade.”

In light of its outlook for the Fed, Macquarie raised its 2011-2012 gold price targets. The firm is now forecasting a gold price of $2,000 by the end of 2011, and a $2,500 price of gold by 2012. “Gold has typically risen by nearly 25% per year when real U.S. short rates have been negative,” Harris asserted, “which looks to be a virtual certainty from now through 2012.”

While gold is off its all time high, prices are up more than 25 percent this year. Insight on where will head to next, with Mihir Dange, Arbitrage gold options is off the all-time high prices are up more than 25% this year and yesterday popped $35 an ounce after a Chicago fed president Charles Evans told Steve linesman that we were basically in a recession at least when you look at the job market. "we're still in an overall bull trend. there's one piece of mfgs that still has me a little bearish and that's we have a trend gab at 1668.70. we would see that number and on the lows we were going to hit that number last week. it's all over the place right now. the volatility is still very high and we're getting $60 moves." says Mihir Dange

What happens to gold once it's been refined and how is the precious metal priced? A look at the middlemen of the gold world, with Bob Pisani."it was hot right down there in Johannesburg, south africa, we trafrled to the deepest mine in the world, and then we went to the world's biggest refinery outside of Johannesburg. what happens to the gold once it's refined and how is it priced? meet the middlemen of the gold world. the bullion banks. London. an epicenter of the gold bullion market where about $75 billion worth of gold is traded every day. banks like HSBC trade much of the world's bullion which is housed and bought all over the world like this one in London. whether the banks buy the gold directly from the miners and refiners or hold it for clients, want banks serve as a vital intermediary according to HSBC's global head of precious metals Jeremy Charles. when the producers want to sell. they can sell to a bank. when a consumer wants to buy, they can buy from a bank. it's a lot of different things the banks can do with it. they can store it for private clients or exchange-traded funds or central banks or they can sell it to other banks or they can advance it to jewelry manufacturers and industrial companies. Jim is a managing director on the gold trading desk in new york. he says bullion banks operate a lot like traditional banks. it's kind of like a microcosm of a bank where the bank does finance, cash management and other services. we do that in precious metals for clients. bullion banks play an important role in the daily price of gold and it all starts in London. for 100 years the spot or cash price of gold has been set at a twice daily conference known as the fix. now done by phone, between five bullion dealers who settle the price based on the buy and sell orders of their customers."
Gold Is the Safest Currency Gold is money the only real money , gold is not an investment it is not a speculative investment , Gold is not a commodity , many people are confusing Gold for a commodity or an investment , gold is Money , I hope people get it , Gold is the only money with no counter party risks attached to it , even the Swiss franc is being debased by the Swiss government in order to boost the exports , when you own gold you are your own central bank , cash is just a certificate saying that some central is holding gold for you which is not always true as we know , what would you trust more Gold or a piece of paper with somebody's name and signature on it ??? governments can change their currency or debase it with a stroke of a pen leaving you holding piles of worthless papers it happened before it could happen anytime , no central bank can print Gold out of thin air , gold has been money for 6000 years and will continue to be the only money ,

Chicago FED Charles Evans favors QE3

Very bullish for Gold what Charles Evans Chicago FED said this morning to CNBC he says that he favors QE3 : The current economic situation is disappointing, says Charles Evans, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, who explains that the job market is tough to characterize as recession-like but the economy is moving sideways "I think we would have been so much worse off if we didn't have the accommodation that's in place, the additional accommodation that came with qe2. i talk to business people all the time. I was talking to a small business person just the other day. you know, actually my brother who is in the furniture business. I was reminding him that, you know, back in the fall of 2008 when libor rates increased. he finances his inventory on that want basis. if things had not improved he's laid off three workers out of 18 over this entire period. but he would have laid off more if interest rates had not gone down, if we did not control, you know, improved the operating efficiency of financial markets. so the counter fact the salary we would have been much worse off." Evans says
Gold rose 46.34 percent from 52 weeks ago . Year to date Gold is up 28.54 percent .Bob Pisani takes you to the deepest part of the deepest mine in the world. Rep. Ron Paul, (R-TX) and presidential hopeful, weighs in on the recent gold rush. 
Ron Paul : I never think about the price of Gold I always think about the value of the dollar , traditionally for thousands of years the currencies been measured by Gold , there has been a lot of fiat currencies throughout history but never one like we have today and that's what people are discovering , the financial crisis is discovering this

The gold price climbed 2.4% Wednesday morning to $1,832 per ounce on the back of expectations that the weakening economy would prompt the Federal Reserve to initiate more monetary stimulus. After trading as low as $1,783 early Tuesday, the price of gold soared following a CNBC interview with Chicago Fed President Charles Evans. The dovish voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee told CNBC’s Steve Liesman, “the data has been soft” and noted that he “would favor more accommodation.”

Commenting on the recent correction in the gold price – which sent the yellow metal over 10% off its $1,913 per ounce record high – Bill Fleckenstein wrote in his weekly MSN column that “I don’t believe the gold bull market has ended…Having said all that, I would note that the gold market was due for a correction at some point, and it is now getting it. I say, let’s get it over with to clear out the hot money.”

Fleckenstein went on to discuss Ben Bernanke’s Jackson Hole speech and the implications it may have for the gold price. “The much-hyped Bernanke speech at Jackson Hole on Friday was essentially a nonevent. Basically, he said, ‘trust me’ while dangling a carrot by noting that the Fed still has tools available. He also said the September meeting would be expanded to two days so the Fed could think about how it might want to use those tools.”

As for the prospects of a third round of quantitative easing, Fleckenstein stated that “I don’t see how Bernanke is going to be able to hold off until Sept. 20 to start QE3, given how poor the economic fundamentals are here and how even more dreadful they are in Europe.”

Despite the fact that U.S. stock markets rallied following Bernanke’s speech and continued to push higher on Monday, Fleckenstein reiterated his preference for investments tied to the gold price – particularly gold stocks – versus the broader equity markets.

Gold breaking through 1800 again up almost $40 on news that the FED neds more stimulus : Phil Streible, senior market strategist at MFGlobal, says that today's rally sparked by Chicago Fed President Evans isn't sustainable. Streible is bracing for a correction.As long as we maintain below the 1840 level you want to look at the short side if we break above 1840 that's the resistance I think we will go back up and we will retest the highs at least 1900 , so that's my line in the sand says Phil Streible .

Gold to $5000/oz within the next five years

Gold to storm all the way up to $5000 an ounce over the next few years , you have people like Steven Forbes predicting $5000 Gold in the next five years and he also predicts that we will back on the gold standard , within five years . , congressman Ron Paul also predicting $5000 an ounce gold or even higher and he says that he is not purchasing gold for profit but as an insurance against the coming hyperinflation ....

The gold price dipped Tuesday morning, trading lower by $18.78 at $1,793 per ounce. Volatility in the price of gold has surged in recent days. After hitting yet another all-time high early last week, the gold price posted its first weekly loss since mid-June.

The most noteworthy economic development of the past week was Ben Bernanke’s speech from Jackson Hole, Wyoming on Friday. Given the weakness in financial markets and economic data in recent months, speculation had arisen that the Fed Chairman would discuss the potential for a third round of quantitative easing (QE3). Despite the fact that Bernanke made no mention of QE3, the price of gold rallied following the Fed Chairman’s comments.

Goldman Sachs’ chief U.S. economist, Jan Hatzius, characterized Bernanke’s speech as “anti-climactic” and offering “little guidance on the near-term policy outlook.” However, “Bernanke’s remarks contained a short passage on the prospect for additional monetary stimulus. He reiterated that the committee ‘has a range of tools’, and that it discussed the costs and benefits of those options at the August FOMC meeting.”

Hatzius noted that by the Fed extending the next FOMC meeting in September from one to two days, it “makes easing at this meeting a bit more likely than before.” He forecasted that “We continue to think that further easing via manipulation of the Fed’s balance sheet —either through expansion or restructuring of the average duration of holdings—is likely by early 2012.”

Gold is having v moves it is trying to find its legs and I believe its legs are well above 1800 says Anthony my prediction is by the 4th quarter the end of the 4th quarter thanksgiving actually we will see $2000 Gold he added , Europe is in trouble and needs its own Quantitative Easing , in the US QE3 is bullish for Gold as the FED will have to create more money

The business of recreational gold panning in the Swiss Alps. is Booming lately probably because of the higher gold price.The near record price of gold has many people heading to the Swiss alpine rivers to mine and pan for the precious metal.

Even with no QE3 investor remain long gold

Despite the sharp pull-back in gold last week, which was

much greater than anticipated, we believe that the metal will

move higher into 2012. Our view remains unchanged: we

prefer to be long gold. Short term, we believe that gold should

find support on dips — physical demand is strong when gold

pulls back. Our strategic view remains unchanged too: we

continue to believe that gold will push higher into 2012.

We note that gold may pull back again towards the $1,720

level in coming days as no change in the Fed’s

policy stance and no immediate successor to QE3.

However, we also note that we don’t discount the probability of QE3 completely sometime in the future. The real economy and market sentiment has taken a knock in recent weeks and economic data is starting to reflect this. We keep a close eye on the weekly ECRI leading indicator. Recently it stared to decline but the slope is not nearly as steep as before QE2.

Puru Saxena of "Puru Saxena Wealth Management says that he expects a big rally in gold and silver after the correction we saw last week , : Mr Bernanke will do something to help his brothers in the banking industry he runs the federal reserve for the benefits of the banks , the federal reserve is run by the banks for the banks , he is not going to set by and let these banks implode , these banks need capital and the easiest way for them to get capital is through the federal reserve , there will be assistance from the federal reserve says Puru no matter what they are going to call it , I think we are going to be in the verge of a big rally within 6 to 9 months in Gold as well as Silver , before the end of this rally we are going to see 1 to 1 Gold to Dow ratio or perhaps 2 to 1  

James Turk :  “It is very important that demand in Asia for physical metal has reappeared,” “I continue to be amazed how the Asian buying adjust so quickly to the rising gold price.”“Clearly people are worried about the train leaving the station without them, so demand for physical metal adjusts quickly to the reality of higher prices,” “After all, what would you rather own – gold or the dollar?” Or the euro? " - in

Peter Schiff : "If you look at the value of U.S. stocks in terms of gold, the Dow peaked in 2000 at about 43 ounces. We're now at barely 7 ounces of gold for the Dow [7 x $1650 = 11,550]. Ultimately, I think we see that ratio come down closer to 1 to 1," he says. That would require either much more Dow decline, a lot more gold gains, or some combination of the two.Just playing with some numbers here, if gold and the Dow Industrials both had 75% respective gains and losses from their current levels (approx. $1650/11,550), we'd be looking at $2887 to reach a 1-to-1 Gold-to-DJIA ratio. You can run your own scenarios, but the mere thought of that is chilling. - in Yahoo Finance

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Marc Faber : “So, you are probably better off in equities than in bonds. My favorite investment remains gold. As it happens, the gold price is coming down, and I hope it will drop $100 or $200. Not necessarily a prediction. I think we will go down in a correction because there has been too much enthusiasm recently.” - in Bloomberg

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Get out of the stock Market before it collapses , invest in Gold & Silver says Ted Anderson GCN's Owner and CEO of Midas Resources , Ted Anderson talks Dr Deagle about why gold is taking off the way it is and how far it may go. Now is the time to buy gold while you can before it goes to the next level.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Bob Chapman : Gold and Silver are going to go back right where they were and go higher , this is a tremendous opportunity for buyers , the stock market is going to go down despite that they will try to hold it up , the bond market is being held up by swap agreements but I won't get into that because it is too technical the ring leader into that is Morgan Stanley they are playing a three card monkey game and the other player with them is the FED of New York are the others ones who are driving bonds higher and yields lower so that banks can borrow cheaper, do not buy a home the trend will be downside for at least another 5 years

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Bill Murphy : The European currency stinks too , Bill Murphy, a financial commentator and chairman of GATA, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee. GATA was organized in January 1999 to advocate and undertake litigation against illegal collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial securities. GATA exposes and actively opposes collusion against a free market in gold, other precious metals, currencies, and related securities. Gold and Silver manipulation is the hottest story of the year! The weekly media is suppressing the story. National security is the excuse for the suppression and the manipulation! We the people are in real trouble.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price advanced Friday night, gaining $50.00 to close this week at $1,828.05 per ounce ahead of a widely anticipated speech from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke at a central bank symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Bernanke will deliver his latest thoughts and outlook on monetary policy and the state of the U.S. economy.

Heading into this year’s Jackson Hole speech, calls for a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) have increased in recent months as the economy has softened and financial markets have declined. Although most economists are predicting that the Fed Chairman will not announce QE3 at Jackson Hole today, the potential for it over the course of the next year remains substantial.

Goldman Sachs analyst Sven Jari Stehn does not believe a new round of money printing would have nearly as much of an impact on easing financial conditions as the first two rounds of asset purchases did. “This is because Fed asset purchases are likely to have larger effects during times of extreme market stress, and particularly when they are targeted at a specific market dislocation, like the mortgage-related purchases during QE1,” he wrote in a note to clients.

Up to date, Bernanke offers no new steps for now.

Bullish news for Gold after Ben Bernanke's speech , gold have rallied but the bigger rally could be for next week when the markets reopen on Monday we could see gold going back up to $1900 and probably higher .Respond to this video...Just buy what you can afford , and hold onto it for as long as you can afford , either way you cannot loose , our fiat money is not worth nothing long term ,Ben Bernanke will continue printing more and more money

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold Rallies on Bernankes No News Speech , we are in a situation that resembles pre Lehman with the banking crisis in Europe there is not only a liquidity problem that is building but also an insolvency problem , people are losing faith in paper money worldwide , we will see a $2500 Gold in no time , Ben Bernanke is more likely to announce Qe3 or whatever he will call it during the coming FED meeting in September we will more likely see gold at $2000 by then

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Bob Chapman : Steve Jobs is dying it is as simple as that that's why he is stepping down , they have tried to phase it out they did not want to do it when he was having these treatments , that's what is happening , Apple is a wonderful company with a wonderful product but I think but I think with him really out of action it is really going to hurt the company it will probably take may be 50 to a 100 dollars a share of its value I would be a seller , and I would switch the money to gold and silver coins bullion and shares certainly they are cheaper than where they were two days ago , I will be getting out of the stock market as well sooner or later it is going down , it is a giant bubble and a scam so the only place to be is gold and silver coins bullion and related assets

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
It is becoming dangerous wearing Gold jewelery with these current prices and current economiuc situation , when millions are jobless and many will do anything to rob a piece of gold jewelery off your neck or your ears , some people won't hesitate to pull a a gold chain off your neck watch out when wearing any gold jewelery these days ...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Marc Faber : People should buy gold today

Marc Faber : People should buy gold today because there is a huge run in precious metals recently and I think they need to consolidate and shake out the weak holders, , everyone should hold some gold because it is a form of cash. Gold is the most honest form of Cash 

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Jim Rickards : Gold is money , Warren Buffett is wrong when he said that gold is an investment , it is not an investment it is not a commodity , it is money , if you like money you should have some Gold , ultimately Gold will go to $7000 an ounce it is the price based on the amount of money supply it won't get there for several years and whether it gets there through some kind of presidential commission that starts the return to the gold standard that's what I would certainly favor the other way is through the chaos where there is a sort of sub-sequential collapse of paper currencies and then we go to gold on more emergency basis it other way we got to reconcile the price of Gold to the money supply , when you do those ratios those are the prices you get .... Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
This Gold Pullback is Normal says Aaron Smith, managing director at Superfund Financial : the bond market is the biggest bubble , Gold is money it was money for the last 3000 years and this is not going to change for the next 3000 years . China and India small invstors are pouring into physical gold ."We saw a normal pullback yesterday in the gold price, nothing really different from what we saw in silver a couple of moths ago, when silver went parabolic. So this is totally normal," ,He added . Smith said he sees "lots of support for gold at $1,650, the long - term 150 - day moving average is way down at $1,500, so there's plenty of breathing room for gold to move around without having a correction or a turnaround."

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price fell again on Thursday, sinking $28.75 to $1,730.50 per ounce. The price of gold fell as low as $1,704, however rebound back to $1,763.20 Friday morning – from lowest $1,704 is a level that is 10.9% off the $1,913 high posted earlier this week. Heavy liquidation of COMEX gold futures weighed on the yellow metal.

Former Co-Chairman of Newmont Mining (NEM), Pierre Lassonde, made the following predictions on gold in an interview with King World News:

Yeah, we’ve had a really good summer for gold, which was to some extent been unexpected. I was thinking that we would see more marking of time for a while on the gold price, but no, it’s been a hot summer for gold. But the one thing I really don’t like is a candlestick formation. Gold was going up too fast, it needed a breather, it needed a correction to be able to stay in a bull market.

So we’ve seen a 10% correction, is it the end or is it going to see another 10%? This being the end of August, September is always a good month for gold, it has been for the last ten years. So my feeling is that the correction at $1,700, plus or minus $20 is over. I think we are going to see an attack on the $2,000 level in September. It will probably bounce back off again, you’ll probably get a couple of bounces off the bottom…. Depending of course on what’s happening in the political world, if Greece explodes in the meantime, there’s no telling where gold is going to go. I mean you could see $2,400, $2,500 before year end. Is there a possibility of that? Yeah I think there is a 10% chance of that happening. If you look two years out I think there is a 100% chance (of $2,500 gold).

Gold is one of the chemical elements. Gold's chemical symbol is Au and its atomic number is 79. Its chief characteristics are that it is inert and malleable. Inert means gold does not interact with other chemicals or compounds. Gold doesn't tarnish and even the strongest acids have no effect. Thus, gold lasts forever - and stays shiny the whole time!

Gold has many industrial uses, but its main historical uses have been for jewellery and money - both are a store of value. Gold has been used as a store of value for at least 5000 years. Gold is measured and prices are quoted in Troy Ounces and Grams. As an example of gold's ability to store value, 2000 years ago one ounce of gold would buy a fine man's outfit. Today one ounce of gold will still buy a good quality man's wool suit with enough left over to buy a few shirts, a tie, some underwear, socks, a pair of shoes and a belt!

Gold has been called a "barometer of fear." When people are anxious about the economy - they turn to gold and bid the price up. The two main things that make people anxious are deflation and inflation. Most think that deflation is "falling prices" and inflation is "rising prices." Actually, rising and falling prices are symptoms. The root causes are decreases (deflating) or increasing (inflating) of the money supply. Gold has the remarkable ability to store value in both deflationary and inflationary times.

The correct way to think about owning gold is as insurance. Gold is a store of value virtually independent of economic conditions. Unlike shares of a company or government bonds - gold will always retain value. Gold's most important use is insurance against the paper (fiat) currency of the country you live in. Almost every country has had at least one major "currency crisis" over the last one hundred years. Those that had some of their wealth in gold survived. Unfortunately many people saw their saving become worthless - sometimes in a matter of days.

So, think of gold as insurance. Do not think of gold as a way to "make money." Do not try and "time the market." It is better to buy gold in small amounts regularly, every month for example, over a period of time.The percentage of your total wealth devoted to gold is a personal decision and depends on your particular situation. A conservative goal would be ten percent. In times of uncertainty the percentage should be much higher.

Do not worry about selling gold when that time comes. Gold is recognized and valued everywhere in the world. It is easier to sell gold than to buy gold! Of course gold can be used in barter or trade as it has for thousands of years.

To summarize, gold is an insurance policy against economic uncertainty. Gold can protect against both deflation and inflation. Everyone should store some of their wealth in gold if at all possible.
Libyan war 100 Tons Of Libyan Gold being looted and Will Not Be Found .More speculation has been raised on the reasons for NATO's intervention in Libya. the organization may have been trying to prevent Gaddafi from burying the American buck.its simple...the western powers dont want to lose control of there monetary system. So if a country that is rich in natural goods doesnt want to except paper as payment ..but actual gold as payment devalues there paper money as worthless. The aggressor uses propaganda and manipulation to convince the taxpayers its all in the name of the people safety but in reality its all about the bankers and strategic positioning for expansion.

Libya's former central bank governor, Farhat Bengdara, says Gaddafi will try to sell part of Libya's gold reserves to pay for his escape and to spread chaos among the tribes.Bengdara has allied himself with the Libyan rebels. In an interview with an Italian newspaper he claimed that an ally of Gaddafi had offered to sell 25 tons of gold to a friend of his, but that this friend immediately rejected the offer. Bengdara declined to reveal his friend's identity. The former central bank governor also said that Tripoli has 10 billion US dollars in gold reserves in Tripoli and that Gaddafi could have made off with some of it. Bengdara believes that Gaddafi has fled Tripoli via the Algerian border, and that he may try to pay off some tribes for protection. With regards to Libya's future, he says the country will need 5 to 7 billion US dollars as a bridging loan to restart the banking system and pay for imports.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Bob Chapman : Gold is not going to stop at $2000 it may quiver at $2200 , this is a wonderful correction , and those idiots had it all done in two days , you talk about painlessness , it is like you go to the doctor and you had two tooth pulled and there is no pain , it sure is down but what are they going to do onward ? they have no bullion for sale it's all paper , and so what should the public be doing and professionals as well , they should be in there mid-day tomorrow started to phase in the new buying they should be buying all the time but especially hen you have dumps like this , obviously for the government to do this with the brokerage houses and the hedge funds and the banks and the working groups in the financial markets for them to do that some very very bad news is coming I can promise you , JPM would not come out and say Gold is going to $2500 this year , if they did not think it is going higher because they wanted to stop in there that's why they are doing what they are doing it is called psychological warfare , and so where is gold going ? I'd say by the end of February which is kind the end of the big move historically yearly in gold and silver we are looking at $3000 - $3200 and a $100 silver and it is going to happen they cannot stop it

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Jim Rogers :It is (what Venezuela has done ) certainly significant especially if they (the banks ) find out  that they do not have it , it will be quite a turmoil if all of sudden the banks will say we do not have all that gold we do not find it because you know a lot of gold has been mixed with other gold it might just mean more and more people do want to hold their gold in their own hands , I would suspect so , we are coming in more and more turmoil more and more banks will be going bankrupt and The last thing you want is for your Gold to be in a vault of a bank which goes bankrupt or which has to suspend redemption , so I suspect you'll see more of it

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Peter Schiff : Gold is an excellent store of value

Peter Schiff : I have been buying gold for over ten years it has been good for me , people who bought stocks ten years ago have lost money and I think people who are buying bonds are going to lose even more , the rising gold prices are telling us that money is so cheap , interest rates are too low , Ben Bernanke is going to keep printing money that's all he knows to do , people were telling me that gold is in a bubble since it was at $500 , look you do not compare gold to stocks gold is money compare it to the dollar , compare it to the Euro compare it to the Yen , and so if you are going to compare it to other currencies what is more likely to maintain its purchasing power over time ? something that is scarce like gold that has intrinsic value that can't be printed or something with no intrinsic value that has been run off the printing presses like it was going out of style ...people are accumulating gold they use it the things that they need but if you understand money and gold , you save your gold and you spend your paper that's what I am doing that's what my clients are doing we are holding gold and we are spending paper , gold has always been money our founding fathers made it money ....Gold is an excellent store of value , oil is cheaper today than it was 30 or 40 years ago if you are paying for it in gold , it is more expensive if you are paying for it in dollars but not if you got real money

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold having a technical correction after CME Group Raises Margin Requirements 27% for Trading Gold Futures , Gold is down $150 in less than 12 hours , this is a healthy correction for Gold look how far gold have gone it has spiked more than $400 in less than two months time from $1500 to above $1900 without taking a break basically , some retailers have decided to take profit at this time , It is normal that when it got toppy, we will see a correction. this is a healthy correction. nearly every trader and analyst says the same thing. it is necessary when you see the price rally like it did. $400 spike in two months time and gold hasn't looked back since $1500 an ounce. we saw that relationship between equities and stocks flip again. as we saw equities rally, gold came off. we have seen the CME group raise margins and Shanghai exchange did the same , and now we have thesemargin calls hitting new traders as well as those in the market exacerbating the selling. how low do we go? a key technical level. 1758 broke the low at the close and now looking at the next key level at 1650. does that mean the rally is over? most traders say, no, the same issues that caused gold to rally, mainly low interest rates, one of the keys, will continue to see that rally in gold and investors will still be interested because so many average investors are under-weighted if they have gold at all. thank you very much. talk to you later.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold turned sharply lower Thursday morning as risk aversion continued to subside in financial markets. CME Group announced another increase in margin requirements to trade gold after the market close on Wednesday. The exchange raised initial margin requirements rose to $9,450 from $7,425 per 100-ounce contract, and maintenance margin requirements to $7,000 from $5,500. The margin increases go into effect as of the close of trading on Thursday. CME last raised gold margin requirements two weeks ago. This factor contributing to the decline in the gold price below $1,800 per ounce.

Commenting on the gold price sell-off, TD Securities wrote the following in a note to clients: “Technically, a very poor day for gold. A new high, a lower low (below Monday’s) and a (very likely) lower close combine to form a bearish key reversal signal on the daily chart today.”

“There are a couple of things to note,” the firm continued. “On the one hand, we have been here before; the daily chart shows a number of outside range reversal signals in the past few months (at least) that have not had any traction with the markets. The ‘reversal’ has amounted to sometimes no more than a day or so of non-appreciation before the underlying bull trend resumes powerfully. On the other hand, the signals are tending to grow in size – and therefore technical stature. In theory, the bigger the reversal signal, the more impact it might have.”

The Shanghai Gold Exchange said on Tuesday that it will raise trading margins on three gold spot-deferred contracts to 12 percent starting on Friday to limit trading risks following the rapid rally in gold prices.The CME has raised margin requirements for gold twice this year, once in January and once in early August, by 11% and 22% respectively. The moves did little to stem gold's rally. A week after the margin hikes in January gold was down just 2% and a week after the August hike gold was up 1.5%.Gold pulled back to as low as $1745 this morning before re-bouncing 35 dollars Many experts think, that any dips will be met with strong buying and help curb a deeper correction.Don not panic just do what Bob Chapman always recommends use the dips as God's given opportunities to buy as much physical gold as you can , this rally is not even started , the gold prices are very likely to touch the $3000 mark before 2012

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

ETF Gold Trading

This is a comprehensive "look over my shoulder" recommendation service, meaning you get to know the trades I'm actually trading. While placing such trades, I also walk subscribers through the entire process from entry to the eventual exit, keeping things as simple as possible for even the more novice traders. If you have a question, no problem- send me an email and can quickly address any of your trading questions.

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Several big plays should unfold in in 2011 and 2012 and I am looking at the SP500, DOW, Precious Metals, Oil, US Dollar, Bonds and Emerging Markets. I also cover sector ETFs when opportunities present themselves.

The gold price traded lower on Tuesday, sinking $14.50 to $1,883 per ounce, after the Shanghai Gold Exchange hiked margins to 12%. Gold price turned lower following the news out of China after hitting a new all-time high of $1,913 overnight.

Commenting on the gold price rally, analysts at Wells Fargo wrote in a note to clients that “Investors’ concerns about the validity and efficacy of the U.S. debt deal, uncertainty about further deficit reduction suggestions … continued dollar weakness and the worsening of the European debt crisis all appear to have helped push gold even higher. While gold appears to be getting a bit frothy, its ascent is justified by the fundamentals.”

While Wells Fargo may be correct about the fundamentals supporting the gold price, the yellow metal could be due for a correction in the short-to-intermediate term. Market Vane’s Bullish Consensus reading on the gold price, a closely-followed sentiment indicator, came in at 93% on Monday. Such a high level has historically been associated with intermediate-term peaks in the price of gold and has frequently served as a warning sign, from a contrarian perspective. Given the speed of the recent rally, the possibility of a Gold price correction is rising as investors look to bank profits.

Gold is retreating today After five straight days of gains and records , we are seeing some profit taking , the trend remains up the prices will continue to go higher and higher , use those GOD's given dips to consolidate your positions , this bull run is just starting this is your opportunity to jump in if you have not already , we may never see gold as low as $1800 ever again as most experts expect Gold to go through $2000 in the coming weeks and continue from there towards $8000

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

How long can gold keep making new highs? Insight with Paul Sacks, Aurum Options Strategies principal gold trader.Paul is not worried about the parabolic run of the Gold although he says there may be some sell offs from now on " as you've stated, gold is up about 17%. up over 50% year over year. the easiest thing to say is that a sell off is coming. i just don't see it. i think we're going a lot higher into the fourth quarter and into next year. I think gold will spend next year over $2,000 an ounce" he said

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Ben Davies: Gold price soon to exceed $2,000 per ounce

Ben Davies ( and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about the Gold outlook in the light of the Fiat currency debasement by central banks worldwide . They see gold breaking the $2,000 barrier this year and moving exponentially. Ben Davies explains that he uses a power-function model to analyze the price of gold, based on Benford's law.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
 Gold hits today another all time record high above $1900$ and Continues to Rise! Jeffrey Nichols, senior economic adviser to Rosland Capital LLC, gives his outlook for Gold , we had big purchases this year by central banks those are likely to continue and what is really important about central banks is that gold is now off the market , when speculators or even investors buy gold often they will sell it a few months or a year later these central banks are there for decades most likely , we have strong demand from India and from China , retail investors from Europe and the United States all are buying gold

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Savneet Singh, chief executive officer of Gold Bullion International, talks about investing in physical gold , there is a huge differentiation between owning the physical gold and owning a share in trust that belongs to somebody else , with physical Gold there is no counter party risk

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

The gold price touched a new all-time high of $1910 per ounce early Tuesday! The price of gold rallied alongside the broader stock and commodity markets as expectations of a fresh round of quantitative easing made the rounds on trading desks across Wall Street. WTI crude oil gained 1% to $83.10 per barrel, boosted by weakness in the U.S. dollar. Silver futures rallied 1.4% to $43.00 per ounce.

Marc Faber – author of The Gloom Boom & Doom Report and one of the more prominent gold bulls in recent years – provided his latest outlook on the global economy, financial markets, and the gold price last week. “Financial conditions are today worse than they were prior to the crisis in 2008,” he asserted in a telephone interview from Thailand. “The fiscal deficits have exploded and the political system [in both the U.S. and Europe] has become completely dysfunctional.”

As for the Federal Reserve, Faber once again spared no criticism of the U.S. central bank. “The Federal Reserve is a very evil institution in the sense that they punish decent people who have saved all their lives…These are people who don’t understand about stocks and investments, and suddenly they are forced to speculate.”

Given his disdain for fiat currencies, Faber criticized the U.S. dollar. “The function of paper money is to facilitate the exchange of goods and services, to be a store of value and a unit of account. The U.S. dollar fails on all three,” he argued. “Intelligent people, instead of holding cash in U.S. dollars with zero interest rates, why not hold money in gold and silver?”

With regard to gold and silver prices, in the most recent edition of his publication Faber wrote that “I am not sure how high the price of gold or silver will increase but when I consider the further inevitable growth of the US and other governments’ debts, the creation of paper money in the world and especially at the low gold ownership rate in the world, I am confident that the price trend of gold is up.”

Jim Cramer : If you have more than twenty percent of your assets in Gold that's the only time you should sell ( I have more than 80 percent of my assets in Gold and I am not selling a bit , so I beg to disagree with Jim Cramer here ) and people who do not have twenty percent or minimum ten percent should using any weakness to buy , any weakness , I am looking for an alternative to the debasing of world currencies and silver is not that says Jim Cramer regarding the Silver , Gold is not a bubble , what gold is , is an alternative that's what it is getting it is getting alternative status it is changing its asset class and that's why it is not a bubble it is a reconfiguration

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Phil Streible, senior market strategist at MFGlobal, reveals how he is trading gold as it approaches $1,900 an ounce.problems around the world and also in Libya are supporting the Gold rally just recently Hugo Chavez has recalled over $11 billion worth of gold reserves to come back to Venezuela calling gold from the U.S., Europe, Canada and the Swiss Bank. France and Germany met this week in Paris to discuss the EU bail out plan and help get the euro zone back on track. and the FED may announce QE3 .it doesn't matter if gold/silver corrects 20%. by 2012 2013 they will double in value.the global economy is unrepairable and needs to collapse

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

The History of Gold Silver Ratio by Jeff Neilson

Jeff Neilson does a really good job explaining the current issues in this market and how to make use of the gold/silver ratio as a means to optimize your precious metals portfolio.

A brief history of the gold:silver ratio:
Notice the dates: fixed for many years, then it floated over 40:1 when silver demonetized
Roaring 20s brought it down to 16:1
Great Depression, ratio went to 100:1, no significant industrial use
After the post WW2 boom, it went way down, industrial use and electronics
Early 1970s, US off gold standard and individuals could own gold - look how it went up
Hunt Brothers event bottoming it out at 9:1
Then it went back up, over 90:1 during the recession of the 1990s
Dot-com boom sent it under 60:1
Panic of 2008 sent it over 80:1 - deflation, less industry use
Recent stimulus sent it to 60:1

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
As latest update, Malaysia retail 916 Gold price hits RM200 per gram. One year ago, the price is only RM140 per gram, a 42.9% increasing in value. As I can remember, during 2005 916 Gold only cost RM68 per gram. Only in 6 years Gold value up about 200% in value, this also mean money value already drop about 200%.

Preservation of Wealth is all about the accumulation of assets against the dangers of fiat currency, inflation , Gold is for Real Wealth Preservation , how difficult economic calculation is when the unit of account is unstable and the price of money, interest rates, are distorted and centrally planned, not reflecting real free market supply and demand.

If we consider that a gold coin is worth around $2,000 or so today. Then we can get an idea of how it could work again to carry gold/silver. Lets say gold is valued at $10,000 someday. That would mean that small fractional coins would be very easy to carry and worth a great deal of purchasing power. Instead of carrying around $100 or $1,000 notes we could carry a couple small coins. Each merchant has a scale or scanner to verify the gold. Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Jim Rogers : I own gold , if it goes down I am going to buy more I do not see any reason to sell gold until it winds up in a big bubble that's may be ten years from now , I do not know when it is going to be all commodities are going to go up a great deal more including gold , do not sell your gold if it goes down buy some more , absolutely it is going to go over 2000 dollars may be not this year I hope not this year but certainly over this decade no question....- in ABC Australia interview

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Marc Faber : Gold is likely to correct, possibly by $100 or $150, but I continue to recommend gradual accumulation. As long as the trio of Obama, [U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner] and Bernanke are in power, gold is destined to move higher. Long-term U.S. Treasuries are of no value. They will default by paying interest in a worthless currency. - in Baron's Blog

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Hugo Chavez makes gold go parabolic

Chavez Gold Action Leads to Backwardation, Short Squeeze and Havoc Concerns . Venezuela's President wants all the country's gold being held in European and American banks returned to Caracas. It would be the largest physical movement of gold in recent history. Hugo Chavez said he's trying to protect his country from the financial woes on both sides of the Atlantic. Chavez is brilliant, one of the only true leaders of the age. He puts these massive immoral countries to shame. He empowers his people and takes control of his resources while these other monsters that bad mouth him oppress their people and sell their resources for pennies to their friends..Chavez should make sure that every single gold bar be tested when it returns to Venezuela.Make sure these scam artists dont gold plate a load of tungsten bars to give back to him.Pretty bad when a small country puts its larger competitors to shame by following the rules of just governance.

President Hugo Chavez said his government plans to "bring home" 211 tons of gold currently stored in international banks.Up to USD 6.3 billion in liquid reserves will also be transferred to banks in Brazil, China, and Russia. The transfers are expected to take more than two months.Chavez has also announced that he may invoke the Enabling Act which will grant him powers to pass a law next week to nationalize the country's gold industry.Some critics say this move may lead to possible international sanctions after next year's elections.According to Venezuela's Ministry of Finance and Central Bank, two-thirds of its total reserves (USD 18 billion) are in gold.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Marc Faber : I think that Gold have had a bit of a run-up here that is above the trend line and that a correction can occur but I do not see a huge downside risk in Gold because if you think it through and people are concerned about cash they are concerned about sovereign debt they are concerned about everything and the stock market has given a very powerful sell signal , I think as soon as gold price drops say a 100 - 150 dollars there will be a lot of physical buying ...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Bob Chapman : well you heard the song up up and away . that's just the way it is going to be , one of the psychological aspects of this and these people are very good at this , JP Morgan Chase came up a couple of days ago and said Gold is going to $2500 by the end of the year , here there are with the largest short position , naked short position in silver and silver usually runs with Gold , what are they up to ? , what they are up to is this : they are trying to set up a barrier at $2500 because they think on the short term before the end of the year it could go higher than that , they are trying to set a psychological new ceiling , it is just common sense and understanding the criminal mind , if you want to find out what they are doing you have to think like a criminal ...that's what they are trying to do here , they are not frightened about gold they know it is going to $8000 , they are just as smart as we are , but they want it to go as slowly and incrementally as possible

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
(19Aug11) People rushing into gold to protect their money World investors rush to buy gold; prices continue to soar .Fueled by concerns over the security of bonds, investors all over the world are flocking to gold. Retailers are also benefiting from increasing demand for the yellow metal, and soaring prices. But analysts have a word of warning - what goes up, must eventually go down.Gold prices have rebounded and continue to soar on the international market. Experts attribute the recent gold rush to investors' weak confidence in European bonds, on the heels of the region's lackluster economic performance.Continuously soaring gold prices are due to investor worries. Concerns were revived by the recently-released European economic results, which were unsatisfactory

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold climbed as much as $54.98 to $1,878.90, a new all-time high

The gold price soared to a new series of record highs on Friday as sovereign debt and recession worries continue to pressure Wall Street. The spot price of gold climbed as much as $54.98 to $1,878.90, a new all-time high, before paring its gains prior to the open of U.S. equity markets. The SPDR Gold Trust (GLD), the most liquid gold price proxy in the equity markets, surged $2.58 to $180.30 per share in pre-market activity. COMEX gold futures, per the December contract, hit a new record of $1,881.40 per ounce earlier this morning.

A primary catalyst for strength in the gold price has been escalating concerns over the European sovereign debt and banking crises. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. regulators were elevating their scrutiny of European banks’ liquidity, while a Swedish regulatory agency warned banks that they should do take additional measures to prepare for a funding crisis. Data from the European Central Bank on Wednesday also revealed that an unnamed financial institution borrowed $500 million from a dollar facility that had not been utilized for several months.

These developments have led to widespread selling in European markets. However, the euro currency has held up relatively well, at least against the U.S. dollar. On Friday morning, the euro climbed 0.5% to 1.4409 against the dollar.

In the U.S., disappointing economic data has continued to roll in, sparking fears of a renewed recession. Yesterday, weekly jobless claims came in modestly above expectations, at 408,000 versus the 400,000 consensus estimate among economists. Existing homes sales were reported at 4.67 million, below the 4.87 million expected. While those two data points were disappointing, they were dwarfed by the Philadelphia Fed Index, a key gauge of manufacturing activity. At negative 30.7, the Index missed the 1.0 consensus estimate among economists by a huge margin.

Peter Schiff on RT America 19 Aug 2011 : Gold is a safe heaven treasuries are not , people who buy Treasuries think they are safe heaven they are mistaken and when they will figure it out they will go to gold , Gold is not in any bubble because if this was a bubble or a mania you would expect gold stocks to be outperforming the metal because that's where all the speculative money flows ...there is no floor to the fiat currencies as they keep printing them so there is no ceiling for gold to go to , Gold is like a thermometer on the economy , the yield on treasuries is negative , so how you get safety with a negative yield ? I think the people who are going to lose the most money are the people who are in bonds , people will lose more money in bonds than in stocks ...Gold is the one place there is not a bubble because gold is reflecting the loss of purchasing power of fiat currencies , Gold is not going up it is paper currencies that are losing value ... Gold is money everything else is a poor substitute

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
David Tice ( and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about the 1999 credit bubble symposium, and the outlook for Gold.
David Tice : "Well, I think people should own gold and silver bullion. I am a shareholder of I'm also a big customer of I think that's a great place to hold your bullion. I also own a number of junior gold mining companies. I've typically not owned the seniors, but I'm now starting to invest in seniors. I'd say probably a third. I'm more invested in silver today than gold. I'm a believer in what Eric Sprott talks about, as far as silver having even more extraordinary potential than gold does. I'd say it's kind of an individual preference, as far as how much bullion versus how much metals equities, but a nice blend would be appropriate."

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold Hits Record High as Global Economic Uncertainty Continues .For investors in this economic climate, it seems that all that glitters is gold. The price of gold hit a record high on Friday, as investors are seeking safer assets amid deepening concerns over slowing economic growth and the outlook for euro zone banks. Gold spot was up 2-and-a-half percent at 1,868 dollars 70 cents an ounce after peaking at 1,877 an ounce.It is being called a modern day gold rush, and is fueled by the dismal performance of the stock markets across Asia pacific Europe and North America . The US Dollar is dead, the body just hasn’t hit the floor yet.You still have some time to save your wealth by exchanging your worthless paper for gold and silver.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Jim Rogers : I do not like buying anything going straight up. I like to buy something going down. So if and when gold goes down, I hope I am smart enough to buy more and I would buy silver the same way.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Chavez wants his gold back from US and England

Hugo Chavez wants to repatriate all of Venezuela's gold reserves deposited abroad, mainly in London and New York Vaults . Hugo Chavez Demands 99 Tons of Venezuelan Gold Returned From the Bank of England/ JP Morgue he also have decided to nationalize the exploration and exploitation of gold and related activities inside Venezuela .He calls it a measure of national sovereignty by ordering the central bank to repatriate $11 billion of gold reserves held in developed nations' institutions such as the Bank of England as prices for the metal rise to a record high .Venezuela, which holds 211 tons of its 365 tons of gold reserves in U.S., European, Canadian and Swiss banks, will progressively return the bars to its central bank's vault, Chavez said yesterday. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Barclays Plc (BARC), and Standard Chartered Plc (STAN) also hold Venezuelan gold, he said.Chavez, whose government depends on oil for 95 percent of its export revenue, is looking to diversify Venezuela's cash reserves from U.S. and European banks to include investments in emerging markets including Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa, central bank President Nelson Merentes said yesterday.The world's 15th-largest holder of gold is bringing back its gold after a 28 percent rally in the price this year.This is the same what France did in 1969, Charles de Gaulle, sent a naval battleship to reclaim their gold due to a trade imbalance deficit, 300 million or something? The "exorbitant privilege?" There is a cool video up about this. England tried to do it right away also but was told no. France was unhappy about Bretton-Woods. They got it back! Uprated.Geitner and the Bernanke are going to do the Old "Check is in the Mail" story. Yeah we got your gold, we are just arranging a barge to bring you your gold....... Two weeks late ring ring, Hey Hugo, this is Tim Geitner at US Treasury, bad news on the gold you ordered, what I know you didn't order it you mean the gold you own well the barge it was on, someboy was playing with the controls at the HAARP facility and it get sunk by a water spout, but we are getting it for you, don't worry.:) "what happens if the physical gold is not there?", i.e. it's rumored that a lot of gold held by the international banks has been in play for so-called "Leasing".This move by Venezuela might uncover that the physical Gold just isn't anywhere to be found even though the au is still carried as inventory by numerous bullion banks, etc.The US gold reserve hasn't been audited for a long, long time (better than 20 years). Is there gold at Fort Knox or are there just IOU's from a wide range of counter-parties?An organization called GATA has maintained for a long time that most of the physical gold has been "leased" and will never been seen again.It's an interesting issue to follow during these troubling times.
Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Nigel Farage has spent 20 years as a commodity broker and trader " I suspect we have not seen the worst yet , I think what happened in 2008 is we deferred the banking crisis it is now coming back to bite " Nigel Farage says " It is impossible to predict where gold will go but it is not impossible that Gold could double again from here , the western world finance are in the most horrifying mess , our banking industry has been allowed to go completely out of control"

Please go to to listen to other interviews by Eric King.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price surged to fresh all-time highs Friday morning as risk aversion gripped financial markets across the globe. The spot price of gold rallied as much as $31.55 to $1,822.60 per ounce, eclipsing last week’s record high of $1,815.00. COMEX gold futures, per the December contract, reached a new high of $1,824.20 per ounce as of 9:15am ET.

Strength in the gold price was fueled by rising worries over the state of the euro zone and U.S. economies. Equity markets in Europe tumbled, with financial shares posting significant losses. U.S. markets looked to open considerably lower, with futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunging 223.00 points, or 2.0%, to 11,158.00.

The gold price added to its gains this morning after weekly U.S. jobless claims came in at 408,000, above the consensus estimate among economists of 400,000. The prior week was revised from 395,000 to 399,000, while continuing claims rose to 3.702 million from 3.695 million. The disappointing employment data, coupled with a wave of worrisome reports in recent weeks, reinforced the view that the U.S. economy may be nearing a new recession.

Hugo Chavez of Venezuela nationalizing Venezuela's Gold mines Phillip Streible : "there is insufficient response to the sovereign debt crisis in europe. makes sense for gold prices. he's repatriating. and the physical front and by him nationalizing all by gold mines in venezuela, you know, you have to think those gold mines, although Venezuela is not a key player, some of that gold makes it out on to the market. and those people are going to have to look for gold out there and try and, you know, recapture and harness down some of the that gold that they need. "

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold remains the ultimate safe heaven says Andrey Kryuchenkov, a commodities analyst at VTB Capital, Any Gold Sell off Would Be `Short-Lived' Central Banks became net buyers of gold , Gold will remain the most appealing short term asset , where else would anybody put his money when there are so many market uncertainties and the FED just announced that it will keep interest rates so low for another couple of years ....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold is now number export out of Dubai after Oil and they want to keep it that way they built a physical and financial market , there is a gold future Market in Dubai , the trend is of aggressive accumulation , unlike the other times when the gold prices climb investors used to take advantage by selling their jewelery , this time it is not happening , Gold sales are up a 100 percent to individual consumers , the rulers of Dubai want to become a gateway to the Indian market one of the largest Gold markets . they even created a Dubai gold coin to be legal tender ....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)