Gold soars to record highs

Gold Hits Record High after the latest read on the economy came in weaker than expected. Insight on how one gold producer is posting profits, with Richard O'Brien, Newmont Mining president/CEO. "what i would say is what i said a while ago which is i think $1600 gold. i actually thought it might come next year but i think given some of the central government issues, not just here in the u.s. but around Europe, i think we're going to continue to see pressure on gold prices. i just remind all of your viewers that gold in nominal dollars actually from its high from many years ago, $800 would be over $2200. so while we talk about a record high, it's important to know its record in nominal dollars. i do think we continue to see a trend up. i think we're headed to $17.50 next year. i would readjust my estimate and i think we will continue to see pressure on gold prices for many years to come," Richard O'Brien said

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold plunged nearly $20.00, sinking as low as $1,607.50 per ounce, after Sunday’s news that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid approved a tentative agreement with leaders of the House of Representatives and the Obama administration to raise the U.S. debt ceiling. Approval by Senate Democrats is still necessary to cement a deal, but it appears that the debt ceiling will be raised and a default averted.
James Turk : "It is hard to predict short term targets , all you need to be focusing on is to continue accumulating in this bull market and focus on where the bull market is going , itis always going to go much further than you expect it probably going to last longer than you and I expect and go higher than I expect , but just continue to accumulate , Gold should be higher than $2000 by now but because of the government intervention and anti gold propaganda by the government Gold is still undervalued even though the price have been rising it is still undervalued by all of my historical measures it is not quite as undervalued as it was ten years ago but it is still very undervalued because what's happening over the last ten years is that even though the price of gold has gone up the dollar has been debased by inflation and all kind of crazy things that the central banks and banks are doing to mismanage the dollar , so focus on the long term , focus not so much the price of gold but whether it is a gold value or not and it is a good value under numerical basis based on all my historical measures it is also good value because of its usefulness as a tangible asset , it is a monetary asset that does not have counter-party risk so I think that's important too"

"I am more bullish on Silver than I am on Gold that's why I think the ratio is going to go down to 20 ounces of silver to an ounce of Gold in the long term from 40 ounces of silver to one ounce of Gold at present , Silver will outperform gold , the problem with silver though is there is more volatility to it than it is to Gold and as a a consequence volatility is not for everyone but if you are prepared to accept that volatility I think you have two third of your assets your monetary assets your precious metals assets two thirds in Gold and one third in Silver

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Bob Chapman : gold and silver coins bullion and shares because no matter what they do (on August the second ) it is going to be good for Gold , they will cut the social security , they are bound to kill everyone of the retirees . August is going to be an unusually good month for gold and silver , usually it is slow either flat slightly lower or much higher and the Fall is going to be incredible I think we can see $2200 on gold easy , and we can see $80 in silver easy , this is not going to stop , You got gold acting as the only real currency in the world and it is reflecting all the inflation not just in America , I mean Great Britain is 12 percent right now Europe is around 8 percent , who is kidding who ?, some dealers are having trouble now , so what happens in the fall ? the premiums on silver are as high as 8 dollars an ounce

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold climbed to a new all-time record high of $1,633 per ounce Friday morning (Weston time), fueled by rising risk aversion in financial markets stemming from the disappointing second quarter U.S. GDP report and the debt ceiling impasse.

Today’s gold rally marks the latest in a series of new all-time highs for the yellow metal. Earlier this week, gold rose to $1,626 per ounce, and surpassed the $1,600 level two weeks ago.

Gold is on pace for its eleventh consecutive year of gains.

While many have agonized over the looming August 2 deadline to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, one interesting label for the turmoil may be a “cacophonous hubbub.”

That term was used by Gillian Tett, who in today’s Financial Times noted that “Almost every pundit and politician worth their salt has been expressing views on what could – or should – happen next…There is, however, one notable exception: the mighty Federal Reserve and Treasury. In recent weeks, senior officials at both institutions have warned in general terms about the risks of failing to raise the debt ceiling. They have also tried to reassure investors that this risk is small.”

Tett argued that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke need to present their contingency plans to the financial community in the event that the debt ceiling is not raised.

Roger Wiegand : I think in Monday these characters in Washington will come to an agreement on the debt ceiling I think they will raise it and they will promise some cuts down the road that will never happen , but that will settle down these markets and I think in Monday we will see a pullback on gold and silver not very much but some and then after that it will flatten out and probably after ten days to two weeks we will start a new large rally the biggest one of the year will start in the middle of august till the end of August running all the way to thanks given , our goal is $1707 minimum

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gavin Wendt, Senior Resources Analyst at MineLife, expects gold to reach more record highs as investors continue to flee the U.S. dollar " If you have a look at Gold in inflation adjusted terms it is trading well below where it should be " "the gold rally is based on very very sound fundamentals it is has not been based on any leverage or borrowing which is typically what we see with regards to most bubbles , there a whole  lot of leverage and borrowing involved " " we are looking at $2000/oz in the next 12 to 24 months "

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price climbed $1.50 to $1,615 per ounce Friday morning, boosting by ongoing concerns that U.S. policy makers will be not reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling by the fast-approaching August 2 deadline. The price of gold is hovering just under its all-time high of $1,626 per ounce.

The research team at Dundee Securities highlighted the uncertain macro-economic climate in reiterating its bullish outlook on the gold price: “It’s hard to overlook the pervasive problems defining the global economic landscape. Greece’s debt was downgraded (again) by Moody’s to its second lowest possible rating of ‘Ca’, or to what Moody’s would describe as ‘bonds typically in default with little prospect for recovery’.”

While the debt ceiling has remained on center stage in recent weeks, the Federal Reserve was back in the headlines on Wednesday with the release of the latest Beige Book. The report noted that the pace of economic activity in eight of the Fed’s 12 districts slowed further in recent months. The primary catalysts for the economic weakness included higher unemployment, the sluggish housing markets, and signs of a slowdown in manufacturing.
We are in a secular bull market for Gold says Jay Taylor, President & CEO, Taylor Hard Money Advisors says gold prices will hit 1800 to 2000. what's going on in Washington does not give confidence to fiat money , Gold is set to go higher over time , $1800/oz to $2000/oz before the end of the year is a reasonable target ...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price spiked to anther all-time high, touching $1,626 per ounce Wednesday morning. The price of gold advanced following the news that durable goods orders unexpectedly fell 2.1% in June – versus expectations of a gain of 0.3%. Worries that a more severe drop in consumer spending is forthcoming weighed on stock and commodity markets. Crude oil fell 1.1% to $98.47 per barrel and copper sank 0.8% to $4.44 per pound. Silver followed the gold price higher, rising to $41.07 per ounce.

The gold price received support from not only the debt ceiling uncertainty on Tuesday, but also from TD Securities, which raised its price forecasts on the gold. The firm increased its gold price target to $1,512 from $1,400 per ounce in 2011 and to $1,700 from $1,400 in 2012.

In TD Securities’ report, analyst Greg Barnes wrote that “The higher gold price reflects our view that gold should benefit from the uncertainties facing the global economy and a continued trend by investors to seek way to insulate their portfolios against these ongoing risks.”

Barnes went on to say that “Economic conditions in the U.S. appear to be softening…Expectations of Fed tightening continue to be pushed back…given the economic backdrop, further easing by the Fed (QE3) would not be out of the question.”

Alongside the possibility of QE3, TD Securities cited several other “significant macro risks overhanging the global economy that should provide continued investment demand for gold, including: the potential for a double dip recession, risk of sovereign debt defaults, questions surrounding the future of the Euro, uncertainty regarding the long term status of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, the sheer size of monetary stimulus that remains to be unwound, and developing world inflationary pressures.”

James Turk : I think Gold got all the momentum behind it now , we have taking at the $1600 level and yet we have not even stopped there we sort of just moving right through it as if there was not any resistance at all , it is understandable why it is going up AL there are so many problems out there . monetary problems banking problems financial problems the sovereign debt crisis I could go on and on but you got the point , it is must better to own physical gold than it is to be involved in any national currencies at the moment
$1640 and $1650 within the next few days is a reasonable target there seem to be that much buying power behind it , so until anything changes worldwide in terms of improving the financial situation and that's not likely to happen any time soon you got to continue to hold gold and I think more and more people are starting to understand that which is why they are buying

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Brenton Saunders, Director at Taurus Funds Management, says that Gold is not in any kind of bubble that Gold Bull run just started says Brenton Saunders because it is hopelessly under-owned , the biggest fund managers in the world , trust funds and central banks are trying to diversify away from what is hopelessly over owned US Treasuries and Forex and the reality is that the alternatives are quite limited , the obvious alternatives are things like the Euro the Yen the Pound and their respective fixed interest the reality is that these markets are not in great shape either ...the reality is that Gold is heavily under-owned in the institutional environment we know it is under owned in central banks environment

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Fears that the U.S. currency will lose its AAA rating

The gold price oscillated near the $1,617 per ounce level Wednesday morning while negotiations on Capitol Hill over the debt ceiling remain ongoing. The price of gold backed off its overnight high of $1,617 per ounce despite weakness in the U.S. dollar. The euro climbed to 1.45 against the greenback on fears that the U.S. currency will lose its AAA rating if a deal to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling is not reached by the August 2 deadline.

In an interview with Dow Jones, Jim Rogers was back at it criticizing the economic policies of the U.S. government. “All this stuff in Washington is basically a sham, a charade…they’re just trying to get publicity,” Rogers claimed.

He went on to predict that although the U.S. will raise the debt ceiling by August 2 and avoid a technical default, “everything is going to get worse…Everyone already knows that the U.S. has lost its AAA status. Anyone who knows what is going on already knows that the U.S. is now the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world. It’s only S&P and Moody’s that haven’t figured out what is going on. The investment world knows that the U.S. is not AAA.”

Rogers – known for his bullish stance on commodities and the gold price over the past decade – did not explicitly discuss the yellow metal in this latest interview. However, he did note that he remains very bearish on the U.S. dollar over the longer-term, which would likely support the price of gold and other commodities going forward.

The Debt Deal won't stop the Price of Gold from rising , it might pause the price of Gold there might be a small correction but the problem is not resolved , it is very high level of debt that has enerved investors not only in America with the US Dollar but also in Europe where they have debt issues going on as well about bailing out Greece then Italy then Spain says Robert McEwen, of U.S. Gold , he expects $2000 by the end of the year and $4000 four years out

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

John Kilduff, Founding Partner of Again Capital, talks about his investment strategy in the commodities sector.
You need to have gold exposure , you can buy high because you are going to sell higher upside target by the end of the year is $1700 , the Chinese are under invested in Gold and over exposed to US bonds ....

"We believe with the opening of the new Hong Kong gold an silver
exchange, there will be no physical gold or silver available to the
public by the end of 2011.

Amazingly still less than 1%- about .8 of a percent of Americans own
ANY gold or silver.

All it will take is miniscule 1% of the Chinese public to purchase 1
oz of silver or gold to crash the COMEX . Watch your paper fed debt
notes return to there intrinsic value..


and wish you has bought some while you could

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold hits all time nominal High $1624/oz today

The price of gold. overnight gold hit an all-time nominal high -- $1,624 an ounce. it's backed away a bit from that high here as we have about 15 minutes left in the floor session for trading. but we are looking at gains in gold that have a lot to do with what's happened in the debt crisis here in the u.s. and around the world. $140 jump in the price of gold so far this month, on track for the biggest monthly increase since april. meanwhile when you look at what's happened to some of the gold etfs, the amount of inflows we've seen in those gold etfs, we've seen huge inflows and long open interest in gold futures. that's also been climbing steadily.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price touched a new record high overnight at $1,624 per ounce before backing off to trade at $1,617 Monday morning. Gold price were boosted by the lack of agreement over the weekend to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling and the negative implications for financial markets. The price of gold surged to fresh highs as concerns escalated that the Unites States could lose its AAA credit rating. The U.S. dollar declined modestly versus the euro and pound while commodities were mixed. Crude oil fell 0.7% to $99.30 per barrel. Silver was the best performing component of the 19 member Reuters/Jefferies CRB index, rising 2% to $40.87 per ounce early Monday.

J.P. Morgan also reiterated its bullish outlook on the gold price. In a note to clients, the firm wrote that “Industrial metals as a group are broadly unchanged on the year but precious metals have continued to trade strongly. We remain extremely bullish of gold, looking for a move towards $1800, and above, by year end.”

“We see sovereign risk factors, EM inflation, a weak USD and broad economic uncertainty continuing to underpin gold, and silver by association,” J.P. Morgan continued. “Retail demand is a key driver and overshadows static visible investor length.”

Although euro zone officials approved the next round of bailout funds for Greece at last week’s European summit, the economic situation across the Atlantic remains quite fragile. Investors remain skeptical that policymakers will be able to prevent the crisis from spreading to other members of the PIIGS – including Italy and Spain – whose economies are much larger than that of Greece. Yields on Italian and Spanish governments bonds have risen substantially in recent weeks, signaling declining faith in the credit quality of each nation’s sovereign debt.

Chris Martenson interviews Silver Guru David Morgan 20th July 2011
David Morgan : it is definitely not a free market in the true sense of the word says David Morgan but it is not as manipulated as some people think , the overall trend in Gold and Silver cannot be manipulated , I can almost guarantee that there are multiple owners for every bar that SLV ETF report , it does not mean that that bar does not exist , there are leases and swaps multiple claims on the same silver bar says Morgan , SLV is paper investment that's not silver , you should not consider it as your primary silver investment . The SLV has claim to roughly 300 million ounces of Silver the amount of silver that is held by the dealers on the COMEX is less than 30 million , so in round numbers the SLV is ten times bigger than the COMEX , and the COMEX is what gets all the attention .

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Bill Murphy : The Silver market will blow up

Bill Murphy TMRN 2011 07-16 Time Monk Radio Interviews Present
2011 07-16
Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents:
Bill Murphy on TMRN Radio
Bill Murphy : The Standard of living of the Americans will drop by 35 percent it is not going to be pretty , it is not the end of the world but people will be upset by their standard of ling going down the drain ,
Morgan is the FED's Bank and Goldman is the treasury Bank , they have insider information which they use to manipulate the gold and silver market the silver market will blow up , nobody wants to fly with me says Bill Murphy because they are scared that something will happen just as what happened to the whistler Blower Andrew McGuire ,

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold Price Challenges Record Highs amid No Debt Ceiling Deal. The gold price traded as high as $1,609.50 Sunday night, within $0.50 of its all-time high of $1,610 per ounce. The lack of an agreement between President Obama and congressional Republicans to raise the debt ceiling led to buying in gold and selling in stock prices. The August 2 deadline to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling is looming and a deal does not appear to be forthcoming.

James Turk : The gold price and the Fiat Money

James Turk :  "...right now the dollar depends only on confidence and confidence is very fragile we are starting to see confidence erode internationally , you know the dollar has been in a major downturn for several years we are seeing precious metal prices going up we are seeing commodity prices going up food prices indexes are record high all of these things suggest to me that there is too much money being created by the federal reserve and indeed all central banks around the world and people are taking that money and putting it in things of usefulness , real commodities that have tangible value , useful value , so I think we are very close I think we are going to see some major upheaval within the next year " James Turk of the GoldMoney Foundation speaks about currency devaluation and the rising gold price. How the gold price is rising against all major currencies and monetary policy is political, having abandoned all pretense of seeking monetary stability.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold price bounced back above $1,600 on Friday

The gold price bounced back above $1,600 on Friday, rallying $11.17 to$1,602.13 alongside the price of silver. While the price of gold advanced, gold’s sister precious metal climbed $0.52 to $39.85 per ounce, despite modest strength in the U.S. dollar. The euro currency fell 0.4% to 1.4371 this morning, following yesterday’s surge from 1.41 to 1.44 on the heels of the European summit on Greece.

At the summit, policymakers also agreed to a new round of bailouts for Greece, totaling €109 billion. France’s Nicolas Sarkozy, Germany’s Angela Merkel, and other top officials also agreed to extend the maturity of future loans for Greece to a maximum of 30 years (from the current 7.5 years). In an official statement, the euro zone pledged that member nations would work closely to develop concrete proposals by October “to improve working methods and enhance crisis management in the euro area.”

While markets cheered the European news on Thursday, there are many details that still need to be worked out. Furthermore, given the various circumstances facing each member of the PIIGS and the fact that many of these measures have not previously been implemented, significant uncertainty remains.

Furthermore, as Reuters noted in a report yesterday, the European summit “is very unlikely to mark a complete resolution of the crisis, as Merkel herself acknowledged earlier this week…A second bailout may simply keep Greece afloat for a number of months before a tougher decision has to be made on writing off more of its debt.”

Warren Gilman says that he prefers holding gold coins and bars handy in case there is an emergency he can use that gold to buy what he needs but for the large institutions looking to buy large amount of gold he suggests to use the liquidity of an ETF , but for individuals there is nothing saferthan holding your own gold in your hands he said
Simon Ho, Executive Director at Triple 3 Partners, David Lennox, Resources Analyst at Fat Prophet, and Warren Gilman, Chairman & CEO of CEF Holdings, examine how investors can profit from investing in the yellow metal.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold is over one thousands pounds an ounce for the first time in history ,some people think the gold is expenssive at these levels but these people were thinking that gold was expensive at $800 , if you look at the period at which the gold price really did peak in the 1970s it went from $35 to $850 that is approximately a 24 fold price increase in Gold , now in the last 11 years that we had in the gold bull market Gold had only increased by 6 fold , "I think in realistic terms, gold is a reflection of what is going on with fiscal and monetary policies in the developed world. And it is the reflection of what's going in the greater inflation scare in the emerging markets, so I think those pressures are not going to be alleviated anytime soon," Irakli Menabde, founder and fund manager at M2 Capital Partners told CNBC.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

“Panic Spike” to Lead to $2,000 Gold This Year?

Gold could reach $2,000 per ounce later this year amid a “panic spike,” according to Clifford Bennett, chief economist at Empire Economics in Australia.

"Panic Spike" to lead to $2,000 Gold this year? In an interview with the Australian Associated Press, Bennett said that “There is risk in the second half of the year of a bit of a panic spike, if you like, as everyone thinks there isn’t enough to go around and starts to hoard…That’s when you’ll really see gold take off towards $US2,000 an ounce.”

Over the next 18 months, Bennett forecasted that the price of gold could hit $2,200 per ounce, and eventually take out its inflation-adjusted all-time record high of $2,300 per ounce.

Bennett cited rising investment demand around the world for the yellow metal as a key reason for his bullish outlook, predicting that “India and China will continue to stockpile gold.”

He went on to say that ”Gold has certainly come back as a respected reserve form of wealth…There’s been some US buying on the back of fears of European sovereign debt, but I don’t think that market is long yet.”

Jim Rogers :  I do not have a forecast I am just watching , if the dollar turns to confetti then you pick the number there is no number of how high it will go if it continues to be priced in US Dollars ,so it is not a question I even think about , because  I am just watching to see how the world evovlves I know it is going to go much higher no matter what happens , if the world turns paper money into confetti which look like it might do then there is no top for gold and silver and real assets 

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Marc Faber : I was in a resource conference this is one of the resource conferences run by Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong all the miners are there and all the big shots in commodities and investors that are interested in commodities are there , ask the audience and you will think that these people have an exposure to Gold only about 5 people in an audience of like 400 had more than 5 percent of their assets in Gold , I find it amazing , I went already to 2 hedge fund conferences these are relatively intelligent people you would think but none of them had any exposure to Gold personally I said to them , you all intelligent people how come you do not have any gold at all don't you see what is happening with the money printing in the world , Gold was $252 in 1999 it is now $1580 (15 July 2011) they think it is expensive at this level what they do not consider is by how much credit has increased over the last ten years by how much the world population have increased over ten years by how much the supply of gold have increased , it is not increasing it is actually contracting , it the next five to ten years the total gold supply in the world will go up by precisely 3.8 percent no more , you know you mine something it is gone it is no longer there and so the supply that is no longer there is like Oil burned it is no longer there , every oil well runs dry over time " .." let's  say you buy Gold today , I do not know it may go down say a $100 , here it goes down a $200 but looking at all the factors we discussed I do not believe that we are in a bubble stage , because I have lived through the last bubble in the late 70s I can tell you that the whole world followed the Gold market day and night and traded Gold 24 hours a day like the whole world traded NASDAQ stocks 24 hours a day in 1999 and 2000 that has not happened yet we do not have a heavy weighting we do not have a heavy kind of euphoria about Gold at all , the risk today is not to own Gold but to not to own any Gold , if you have no gold at all I think you are taking a risk , and my advise is simple every month you put some money aside and you buy a little bit of Gold you do not worry about the price fluctuation buy every month a little bit and your grand children will be very happy about that unless the US government takes it away that is a possibility with Mr Bernanke just look at him he particularly not a honest looking character ..."
- in The Financial Sense NewsHour Interview

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold going up to $2,400/oz

2000 years ago 1/10 of oz could buy you a goat. Today 1/10 of oz can still buy you a goat...It's not that the Gold is expensive. It's the Dollar that is cheap...The Fed is planning 2 more rounds of " quantitative easing " ( monetizing the debt). So hyperinflation is a real possibility.German company is installing "Gold to Go" vending machines. They opened their first of 5000 gold ATM machines in Abu Dhabi and are focusing on Germany, Switzerland and a few other countries.Gold is becoming ever more popular, this is another good example of the new gold rush.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price slid $2.15 to $1,598.55 per ounce Thursday morning, following yesterday’s 1% decline. The price of gold hovered near unchanged on thin volume this morning after tumbling $16.36 to $1,588.49 per ounce on Tuesday – ending its eleven session winning streak. Gold prices surged to new all-time highs of $1,610.70, but turned sharply lower following reports that President Obama and congressional Republicans were close to a resolution that would allow the U.S. to meet its August 2 debt ceiling deadline. The gold price later reached an intra-day low of $1,582.70, but modestly pared its losses into the close.

However, despite yesterday’s gold price decline, the yellow metal remains higher by 5.6% in July and 11.8% year-to-date. Although the gold price may experience further short-term weakness due to excessively bullish sentiment, the longer-term outlook appears bright. Governments and central banks around the world – particularly in the U.S., Europe, and Japan – have done little to address the structural problems of surging debts and deficits. Instead, policymakers have chosen to move further into debt to stimulate their sluggish economies.

Ray Dalio, head of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, discussed this trend in a recent interview with The New Yorker. Dalio, whose firm oversees close to $100 billion, contended that many of the world’s developed nations, including the United States, will eventually choose to print more money as a way to inflate away their debts.

Such actions will eventually “lead to a collapse in their currency and in their bond markets,” Dalio continued. “There hasn’t been a case in history where they (governments) haven’t eventually printed money and devalued their currency.” As for the timing of such events, Dalio forecast that they will begin in late 2012 or early 2013.

Will Rhind, Head of U.S. Operations at ETF Securities after Gold has broke the $1600 it has pulled back a little bit due to some profit taking says Rhind :" what we are seeing is Gold gone to $1600 which is a new all time high for gold and since then in the last couple of days it has pulled back a little bit , and if you look at the trend of gold in the last couple of years what we typically see is when gold has made a new high such as the $1600 level it has been subject to profit taking and therefore the price retraced a little bit from its all time high "

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
David Skarica is a Gold stock adviser is bullish on the Gold "with the US printing as much money as it is and Europe trying to resolve its debt crisis , the flee is to gold " says David Scarica " and I think this shown since the euro crisis begun to boil up again in June with the downgraded debt ib Greece and what not " what we are seeing is a rush to gold because of the debt problems in both the US and Europe , Gold will continue to be a benefactor of that

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Peter Schiff : " Gold is going higher , it had a pull back today , if you price the DOW in terms of Gold yesterday the DOW was worth less than 7.8 ounces of Gold that's the lowest level since the bear market begun in 2000 when the DOW was worth 44 ounces of Gold "
"I think the Deal(about the debt ceiling) is bullish for Gold , contrary to all the scare tactics coming out of Washington , if we have an economic Armageddon which we may be have it is not going to be because we fail to raise the debt ceiling but because we succeed , the best thing for the market and the US economy and the worst thing for Gold is that we do not raise the debt ceiling and get our fiscal house in order right now , if we continue to kick the can down the road and raise the debt ceiling that's bullish for Gold and bearish for the US economy and bearish for the Dollar "

Peter Schiff is telling you truth. If you raise the debt ceiling any more, we are totally screwed. It's VERY obvious and I can't believe people are actually falling for this again. How hard is it to do simple math? Schiff was right about the economic collapse, housing bubble, and other problems within the market when most of the fools out there were saying "everything is fine, the market is great".

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Speculation surrounding a possible Greek default has resurfaced

Gold managed a sustained break of $1,600 in overnight trade, reaching yet another all-time high. This is largely the result of sovereign debt fears in the Eurozone and US. Today, the US House votes on the US’s debt ceiling. Although the legislation is expected to be passed, the lack of support in the Senate means that the vote will be largely symbolic and bring the US no closer to a satisfactory resolution. This uncertainty should keep investors interested in the safe-haven advantages of Gold.

The focus will also be firmly on the emergency meeting of EU leaders this Thursday. Speculation surrounding a possible Greek default has resurfaced, with not much confidence that this week’s meeting will result in measures to avoid a default. CFTC data released last Friday (covering the week ended 12 July) reveals that silver net speculative length continued to rise, with a further 334.2 tonnes added last week. This time, the largest contributor was the 191.6 tonnes added to speculative long positions, although the 142.6 tonnes shed from speculative shorts was also considerable. Short positions now stand at 612.1 tonnes, the lowest level this year, and well below last year’s average of 1,166.9 tonnes. The sustained decline in short positions is an indication that silver is shrugging off the market’s bearish stance.

Another sign of investor interest returning is the respectable 105 tonnes of silver bought by ETFs over the past week. Currently at 14,047.6 tonnes, ETF holdings of silver seem to be making a tentative recovery from recent lows (13,939.7 tonnes), although given that these gains have only come in the past two weeks, we remain sceptical, and look for further confirmation of
sustained investor interest.

Gold support is at $1,594 and $1,584. Resistance is $1,612 and $1,618.
The fever of gold continues as investors pour into Gold and Silver in order to escape the European and America debt abysses .Even today, the precious metal rises above the threshold of $ 1660 per ounce. It is considered a "safe heaven" of wealth against the odds of the the U.S. and Europe the public debt crisis. By the end of the year gold price could go up as high as 3 thousand dollars. The problem is that the financial system, is incapable of producing real wealth but just debt through credit

Today the gold price is growing, as it is used to do for now almost 11 years. Yesterday it rose above a threshold of $ 1600 per ounce . Analysts say that this "fever" becomes more frantic when investors try to find some "haven" protection of wealth, before the abyss of the European American debt .

European governments, under pressure from the International Monetary Fund, will meet again in Brussels this week to re-think back about the Greek debt, Barack Obama juggles with the failure to find an agreement about raising the public debt ceiling in the U.S., while ratings agencies are threatening to downgrade the United States's rating.

This year the price of gold has increased by 13%, the biggest jump for 90 years. According to analysts, it is possible that if the debt crisis increases, the price of the precious metal will reach $ 1650 by the end of 2011 and will double in a few years. Considering that China and India are among those that most require it , the gold price could reach up to 5 thousand dollars an ounce by 2020.

The economist Bob Chapman said that "we will see a doubling of the price of gold, around 3 thousand dollars an ounce already this fall". Some time ago I calculated that if you take the entire global monetary liquidity expressed in the main reserve currency, the dollar, and you divide by the amount of physical gold available,This would lead to absurd figures, in the order of about 30 - 60 000 U.S. dollars per ounce. The real problem, is that "there is so much paper around, a lot of finance, and a few products of real value .Gold even at $1600 is still very under-priced said James Turk yesterday , there is definably a shortage in the physical gold and silver and the prices have only one way to go and that is up up and up with few corrections along the way...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Dominic Schnider, Head Commodity Research at UBS Wealth Management is bullish on Gold and expects the price of Gold to hit $1700 in next 3 months.There is a lot of demand presently taking place in Europe especially on the coin side not ETFs says Dominic people like to change their Fiat money into real hard assets like Gold and Silver ....
Hyper-Inflation To Push Gold price To Double by year end

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

The price of gold advanced as high as $1,603.40 per ounc

The gold price broke out to a new all-time high above $1,600 per ounce Monday morning, rising for the eleventh consecutive trading session. The price of gold advanced as high as $1,603.40 per ounce before backing off to trade just the $1,600 level. The yellow metal gained on the back of a surge in borrowing costs for Italy, the latest European nation to see its bond market come under heavy selling pressure. The lack of a deal to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling also helped boost gold prices.

The eleven-day rise in the gold price is the longest winning streak since January of 1980. The gold price delivered another noteworthy performance last week, climbing 3.2% on its way to a series of fresh record highs. With Monday’s advance, the gold price extended its monthly and year-to-date gains to 6.6% and 12.5%, respectively.

Last week’s two-day Congressional testimony by Chairman Ben Bernanke on the economy and monetary policy revealed that the Fed remains open to the possibility of additional asset purchases. On Wednesday, “Helicopter Ben” offered a dovish tone and alluded to a new round of quantitative easing (QE), which sent the gold price to a new high. However, the following day he backtracked, noting that now is not the proper time for a third round of QE. In spite of the change in tone, the price of gold held firmly in positive territory over the balance of the week.

J.P. Morgan’s Michael Jansen offered a bullish gold price outlook in a note to clients, stating that the key event this past week was “Ben Bernanke’s somewhat Jekyll and Hyde performance on the Hill, in which he floated the idea of QE3 on Wednesday but more or less retracted it Thursday which contributed to a lot of the volatility in the broader equity and risk indices. For the main commodities though – especially gold – traders seemingly only listened on Wednesday and then started watching the Open on Thursday as gold has held up extremely well.”

In addition to the potential for QE3, J.P. Morgan highlighted additional support for the gold price from “the sovereign train-wreck brewing in Europe and the potential for a technical default in the US (as indicated by Moody’s with the notice that the US Treasury was on notice for a potential downgrade).” As a result, the firm contended that “the event risk is unlikely to recede this week or any time near term,” which should continue to support higher gold prices.

James Turk of on the Kerry Lutz - July 18, 2011 : " we are at $1600for gold and silver is back in the $40 , I made a contrary call because normally gold and silver are pretty quite during the summer months , because it is a seasonal pattern that tends to repeat , but it does not always work that way " says James Turk " I keep going back to 1982 when gold prices rose 50 percent in three months during the Mexican debt default and my point has been is this summer is going to be a repeat of 1982 it is not Mexico that is going to default this time it is going to be somebody else whether it is Greece United Kingdom Belgium Italy Spain United States Japan or anyone of a dozen other countries who knows , but it looks like it is gonna be a good couple of months for the metals as people worry about the default and move into the security of gold and silver ".....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold and cash are The Most Popular Asset Class in Asia , Chris Gill, General Manager at Friends Provident International says gold is the most preferred asset among investors in Hong Kong, Singapore and UAE.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
CNBC discusses the rally in spot gold prices - its longest winning streak in four decades.Gold this morning hit an all time high by breaking the psychological barrier of $1600/oz , while Silver is back over the $40/oz barrier all this despite the summer being a sluggish month for Gold we are not in the heat of the Indian wedding season and we have passed the valentine day time , so how high Gold will go ??? according to many experts the Gold prices will explode this summer to stratospheric levels , so hold on to your physical gold and silver the show is about to begin ...LOL...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Update on Gold soaring this morning to all-time highs Gold at $1600/oz Silver at $40/oz and climbing

Sharon Epperson :"....the spread continues to blow out. the spread is what a lot of traders with watching now. that's a reason why we are looking at it. here on the floor, all the action has been in the gold market. you have been talking about $1600 gold. also the fact that we have seen hedge funds adding position. there is a surge in the long positions. a big reason why we are looking at the higher price as well. not only in dollar terms. it's important to realize Bernanke said he didn't believe gold is money. when you look at gold in euros, the pound, the yen, we are at new highs here. people around the world are using gold as alternate currency and silver as well. the highest we have seen since the beginning of may. over $40. the percentage gain higher than what we are seeing in gold. this is the currency folks are focused on. "

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price climbed toward $1,600 per ounce last week as worries over the surge in borrowing costs for Italy drove investors to add to long positions in the yellow metal. Gold prices, which have risen for ten consecutive days, gold advanced amid a flare-up of the European sovereign debt crisis. Italian ten-year bond yields crossed 6% last week and traded to record spreads against similar duration German bunds. The lack of deal over the weekend to raise the debt ceiling also helped bolster gold prices late Sunday.

HSBC gold analyst James Steele provided a bullish forecast for the gold price in a note to clients, stating:

“The climate driving gold higher is similar to that of Q2 2010 when gold also jumped to then record highs, buoyed by the emergence of the Greek sovereign crisis and U.S. quantitative easing. Gold is reacting to a similarly bullish cocktail of factors, except that as policy makers appear to have more limited options now, conditions are more gold-bullish now than in 2010.”

Bernanke : Gold is not Money ?!?!

Ron Paul vs Bernanke : Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011 Congressman Ron Paul questions Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in a U.S. House Financial Services Committee Meeting shortly after reports surfaced that the Federal Reserve was preparing for a third round of quantitative easing.
"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."

-Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild

“When you wake up in the morning, do you care about the price of gold?” he asked Mr. Bernanke.

“Well,” Bernanke replied. “I pay attention to the price of gold. But I think it reflects a lot of things. It reflects global uncertainties. I think the reason people hold gold is as protection against of what we call tail risks, really, really bad outcomes.

And to the extent that the last few years have made people more worried about the potential of a major crisis then they have gold as a protection.”

Paul: “Do you think gold is money?”

Bernanke: “No. It’s a precious metal.”

Paul: “Even if it’s been money for 6,000 years? Somebody reversed that and eliminated that economic law?”

Bernanke: “Well, you know, it’s an asset. Would you say treasury bills are money? I don’t think they’re money either, but they’re a financial asset.”

Paul: “Why do central banks hold it (gold) if it’s not money?”

Bernanke: “Well, it’s a form of reserves.”

Paul: “Why don’t they hold diamonds?”

Bernanke: “Well, it’s tradition. Long-term tradition.”

Paul: “Some people still think it’s money.”

The Federal Reserve Chairman’s admission that gold is “protection” against “tail risks” and “really, really bad outcomes” is important and marks another step towards gold’s movement from being a fringe asset to being a core part of a properly diversified portfolio.

Gold is increasingly being seen as an important safe haven asset and specifically as currency (despite Bernanke’s feeble denial of this.)

Many speculate that this interview may be seen as another landmark in gold’s move from “barbaric relic” to a mainstream investment and savings vehicle.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
David Bond of the Silver Summit is a strong believer that silver could double in price very soon , silver is an irreplaceable metal , the only thing that can replace silver as an industrial commodity is palladium in terms of its conductivity and reflectivity etc...we are hitting in a big squeeze in the market , JP Morgan Stanley which is hugely short silver tries to cover , I think their short covering is probably what's driving the momentum I really do not see a top for it yet says David Bond as a log term investment silver is better than gold it has bigger leverage , it is easier for the price of silver to double than it is for gold

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price moved slightly lower, sliding $3.10 to $1,584.25 per ounce Friday morning as profit taking weighed on the yellow metal. Gold move up again when come to closing time, end at 1593.65 per ounce. The price of gold has gained 2.5% this week and 5.5% this month on the back of lingering sovereign debt issues and concerns U.S. policymakers will fail to reach an agreement to raise the $14.3 trillion debt limit.

Gold prices showed little reaction to the release of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) this morning. The June CPI fell 0.2% versus the previous month and rose 3.6% year over year. The figures were in-line with market expectations and failed to move either gold or the broader stock and commodity markets. S&P 500 stock futures gained 3.50 to 1310.20 while oil climbed $0.43 to $96.12 per barrel.

On the first day of Bernanke’s semiannual testimony to Congress, the Federal Reserve Chairman created headlines when he stated that “The possibility remains that the recent economic weakness may prove more persistent than expected and that deflationary risks might reemerge, implying a need for additional policy support.”

While Bernanke’s comments on Wednesday helped send the gold price to a new all-time high, on Thursday he carried a much less dovish tone. “We’re not prepared at this point to take further action,” the Fed Chairman noted.

Although Bernanke’s latest commentary put pressure on the broader equity and commodity markets, the gold price displayed its resiliency by rebounding into positive territory as the day concluded. While the Fed may not immediately launch QE3, record high gold prices indicate that the markets believe a third round of asset purchases may not be too far away.

Silver, Infinite Dangers & Survival , Gary Yantis is an engineer Recently retired. Active in trading penny stocks and politics. he is specialized in Silver and have been warning about the silver shortage for long time ....there are ten thousand usages of silver and unless the silver price hits $1000/oz it is not practical to retrieve the silver that is used in circuitery etc....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold And Silver Prices Expected To Skyrocket With US Debt Ceiling Worries , Bill Gross who is Pimco's largest bond fund manager in the world he mentioned when adding in all the money owed to cover future liabilities and entitlement programs the United States is actually in worse financial shape than Greece and other European countries , this is obviously nothing new but what was happening over the prior weeks up until today it is building up , it is like a pressure cooker getting ready to explode , w gonna have to continue to raise this debt (ceiling) and if we do not what's gonna happen is we will default on the loans that America has , you should hold on assets like gold and silver that's where the strenght and the protection are , do not worry about what the stock market is doing , mutual funds the safe heaven right now is in Gold and Silver you get to hold on to for safe keeping....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

James Turk : QE3 is inevitable

James Turk of Goldmoney on Goldseek Radio July 12, 2011 : " to me it seems inevitable , the US government is spending more money than the market is willing to lend to it , that means that you will have to the central bank and the central bank turns that borrowing into currency which the government spends or the government has to cut back and there is no indication whatsoever that the US government is going to cut back at any of its spending aspirations I mean it can't even agree to cutting the spending in the future when in fact what it should be doing is cutting spending right here and now , so it seems to me that QE3 is inevitable and ultimately that's going to destroy the dollar to more inflation if not hyperinflation "..." this is the summer that could surprise people , to me it is setting up like the summer of 1982 when gold soared during the Mexican debt default , Mexico is not the center of attention now obviously it's Europe Greece Spain Italy anyone amongst a dozen of countries around the world who have too much debt and are over leveraged , but people think the summer is going to be a quite time , going to the beach , seasonally gold often slows during the summer , I think this is going to be a summer again like 1982 really surprises people , so I am very bullish here and the fact that this correction that we had over the last couple of months driven a record amount of people out of the market suggest to me how strong the metals have been during this correction ..."

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price rose toward $1,600 per ounce, rising as high as $1,594 early Thursday morning, western time. The price of gold is on pace to rise for the ninth consecutive trading session on the back of a surge in investment demand for gold bullion, gold exchange-traded funds, and futures contracts tied to the gold price.

This morning’s news on inflation was a mixed bag and gold prices showed a muted response to the data. The June Producer Price Index (PPI) fell 0.4% month over month against market expectations of a 0.2% drop. Versus the previous year the PPI rose 7.0%, while the core – excluding food and energy – climbed 2.4%. Speculation over the possibility of a new round of quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve has helped send the gold price to a series of new highs, however, rising price pressures are likely to prevent QE3 from being implemented in the near term.

“The possibility remains that the recent economic weakness may prove more persistent than expected and that deflationary risks might reemerge, implying a need for additional policy support,” according to the Fed Chairman. “The Federal Reserve remains prepared to respond should economic developments indicate that an adjustment of monetary policy would be appropriate.”

Bernanke’s comments, which fueled further QE3 speculation, coincided quite closely with the time at which the gold price surpassed its previous record high of $1,577.40 per ounce. Later, as Congressman Ron Paul asked “Helicopter Ben” if he monitors the price of gold, the yellow metal reached its latest all-time high. The Fed Chairman acknowledged that he did, and noted that he thinks the gold price “reflects a lot of things. It reflects global uncertainties. The reason people hold gold is its protection against what we call tail risk.”

Adrian Douglas is a Director of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) and editor of the Market Force Analysis Letter : '" a lot of people try to dismiss manipulation without really looking at the facts " there is a perfect correlation between the prices of Gold and Silver says Adrian Douglas , since October that correlation is broken down ,...the manipulation cannot continue forever there has never been a manipulation of a market that has continued forever , this is a true opportunity for investors cause the price of gold and silver have been kept well below their market value the investors will make huge gains when the Gold and Silver find their true market values

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold price surged to a new all-time high

The gold price surged to a new all-time high Thursday morning, rising to $1,589 per ounce. The price of gold has risen 4.9% in July on the back of waning confidence in fiat currencies and renewed speculation that the Federal Reserve may consider a new round of quantitative easing. Silver, despite being well off its multi-decade high print of $49.79 posted earlier this year, has climbed 6.5% this month and is currently trading at $36.95 per ounce.

The latest Fed minutes – a recap of the June Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting – acknowledged the fact that the rate of U.S. economic growth slowed to a more moderate pace. As a result, the Fed lowered its GDP estimates for the balance of 2011 and into 2012. The GDP reduction “reflected the persistent weakness in the housing market, the ongoing efforts by some households to reduce debt burdens, the recent sluggish growth of income and consumption, the fiscal contraction at all levels of government, and the effects of uncertainty regarding the economic outlook and future tax and regulatory policies on the willingness of firms to hire and invest.”

The Fed also cautioned that several “downside risks” remain, including “the possibility of a more extended period of weak activity and declining prices in the housing sector, the chance of a larger-than-expected near-term fiscal tightening, and potential financial and economic spillovers if the situation in peripheral Europe were to deteriorate further.”

As for the likelihood of QE3, although the Fed minutes did not specifically refer to additional rounds of asset purchases, it did note that some FOMC members felt that “if economic growth remained too slow to make satisfactory progress toward reducing the unemployment rate and if inflation returned to relatively low levels after the effects of recent transitory shocks dissipated, it would be appropriate to provide additional monetary policy accommodation.”

Gold to all time highs among fears of Italy defaulting but also fears about the debt ceiling in American and then possibly with the soft economic data coming out another round of quantitative easing hints about QE3 from the Fed , all these factors helped the Gold prices settling at a record high on Tuesday also hitting and intra day high on Wednesday , the macro environment has turned favorable for gold but what's really impressive, is that currently we're in a seasonally week period for demand particularly out of asia, but we're still seeing gold prices hit record highs

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Once again and because of the heist that was created by the Zerohedge article regarding the 'over the counter gold and silver ' market after the July 15th , many people were induced to believe that they won't be able to buy gold and silver bullion after July 15th , this is NOT TRUE , the so called Dod-Frank Bill does not have anything to do with the small investors who want to buy gold or silver over the counter , Bob Chapman explained it in details , here is another expert Andy Gause talking about the same topic and explaining it in detail , the interview is from the Jeff Rense Radio aired )7 July 2011

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The latest details from the Fed and the FOMC meeting, say that the FED is debating a QE3 and an exit strategy, while Gold has reached an all time high this morning surpassing the previous $1577/oz nominal all time high of last May , many experts have warned that QE3 is inevitable despite the FED denied that it won't call another QE after the end of QE2 last June ....Gold price seem on fire since yesterday and it is very likely that gold today will end well above $1580/oz silver too is climbing and is over $37/oz so far....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold hit an intra-day high of $1,574.30 per ounce Wednesday afternoon following release of the Fed minutes and Moody’s downgrade of Ireland’s credit rating. In doing so, gold came within $3.10, or 0.2%, of its $1,577.40 record high from May 2.

Coupled with the Fed minutes revealing that some members of the Fed were considering additional monetary accommodations, Moody’s decision to cut Ireland’s rating to junk status helped lift the yellow metal higher.

Furthermore, the ratings agency placed Ireland on outlook negative, which signals an increased likelihood of a further downgrade in the future.

Gold Price on Fire & approaching the nominal all time high

Today The Gold Price is on Fire and approaching the nominal all time high of $1577 back in May , this spike in the precious metal comes soon after talk of QE3.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Bob Chapman : ..anybody who is in Gold and Silver coins bullion and shares is going to make a lot of money because absolute minimum the Gold can go to is $3000/oz nominally $6000/oz to $8000/oz " everybody in those investments will be able to protect their buying power by holding them (Gold and Silver) rather than the dollar or any other currency

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The gold price climbed $9.11 to $1,553.31 Monday amid growing fears over the European sovereign debt crisis. The price of gold rose to as high as $1,557.20 per ounce this morning, just 1.3% shy of its $1,577.40 all-time record high, reached on May 2 of this year. Equity markets around the world tumbled, while U.S. exchanges were set to open substantially lower.

Alongside the gold price, the U.S. dollar was one of the few asset classes moving higher on Monday. The euro currency came under considerable pressure against the dollar, falling 1.4% to 1.4022. Silver prices held near unchanged at $36.71 per ounce, while cyclical commodities including oil and copper suffered steep declines.

Coupled with the worse than expected jobs report in May, the June data has already led to calls for the Federal Reserve to implement a third round of quantitative easing (QE3). Chairman Ben Bernanke has on many occasions highlighted the crucial impact that the nonfarm payroll reports have on monetary policy, and the latest data is likely to cause the Fed to maintain its dovish stance for longer than previously anticipated. This view became evident on Friday in the Fed Funds futures market, where the likelihood of a Fed rate hike by mid-2012 declined from near 30% to 8%.

Negative real interest rates has been one of the most significant catalysts behind the gold price rally in recent years. With the Fed now expected to keep rates on hold for the foreseeable future, the price of gold is likely to receive an even stronger tailwind. Furthermore, as hedge fund magnate Eric Sprott predicted earlier this week, if the Fed does indeed launch QE3, the gold price could very well explode to the upside.
