Gold rallied in the wake of the FOMC decision

After a relatively quiet period throughout most of yesterday, Gold rallied in the wake of the FOMC decision and the subsequent press conference given by Fed Chairman Bernanke. As we anticipated, there were no real surprises. The Fed Funds rate remained unchanged and the Fed stated its commitment to QEII, but made it clear that it does not intend to expand monetary stimulus. Bernanke also reiterated the Fed’s view that inflationary pressures from rising commodity prices are temporary, and do not warrant a change in the course of monetary accommodation.

He did however, caution that “if inflation persists or if inflation expectations begin to move” that the Fed “would have to respond”. Since the Fed’s announcement was as expected our view on gold remains the same. We still believe that upside towards year-end is a strong possibility, given that real interest rates remain low, government borrowing is high and global liquidity
though easing is still growing. However, from a fundamental perspective we feel gold could see a pull-back before its next move higher.

With no additional stimulus announced and given that the Fed’s view might have allayed some fears over rising inflation, it would appear that most precious metals support is coming from a weaker dollar. This places the complex in a vulnerable position ahead of this afternoon’s US GDP results for Q1:11. Should the figures prove substantially better than expectations, we could see some dollar strength put an end to the precious metals upside. Profit-taking ahead of month-end could also place some downward pressure later today.

Gold support is at $1,512 and $1,492. Resistance is at $1,541 and $1,550.
John Rubino : we have a world that is awash with liquidity right now and that money is chasing the assets that are already moving so now they are flowing into commodities because that what was going up the most , hot money chases growth and gold and silver are prime beneficiaries of this there are the only real money left out there everything else is paper and people start to figure out we are destroying the paper currencies of the world so they are snapping up physical gold and silver at unprecedented rates and so you seen both of these metals at record levels right now , I would expect a correction at some point says John Rubino

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Momentum Is Still With Silver and Gold , silver hits an all time high in 31 years at $39.50 , gold hits a new record at $1537 , the bull market is set to continue all the fundamentals look good .... Jonathan Barratt, managing director of Commodity Broking Services says silver prices could pull back after hitting $50 level.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold are expected to maintain their upward trends in the near-term

Gold are expected to maintain their upward trends in the near-term, with gold advancing toward $1,540 resistance. Support will come from easy monetary policy, a lack of serious spending cuts, and inflows of investment. In our 2011 outlook, we looked for a price range in gold of $1,250-$1,550 for the year, with a peak around mid-year.

After the disappointing spending cuts of the Congressional FY11 budget deal secured on Apr 11th, we noted that we were considering raising our forecast upper range based on a lack of spending-cutting credibility by both the President and House Republicans. We didn’t make an increase because we thought that the end of QE2 could still lead to incremental tightening and thus price pressure. However, yesterday’s indication from Fed Chairman Bernanke regarding the maintenance of accommodative monetary policy at least through Sep is more than we can
accept and still argue for a potential $1,550 peak. Therefore, we’re incrementally raising our upside objective to $1,650 and pushing back our time target for a peak from mid-year to around Sep.

A correction from $1,540 is still possible in the short-run, but we no longer view the $1,540-$1,550 range as the ultimate peak this year. There were two parts to yesterday’s FOMC events that were telling for Gold. First, the statement regarding steady policy communicated that the Fed would not undertake the potentially hawkish measures spelled out in Monday’s WSJ article including shrinking its balance sheet or paying interest on bank reserves held at the Fed. Gold prices were +$4.40 at that time while S&Ps traded +2.00. The lack of any mention of tightening foretold that the press conference later in the day would be dovish as well, and that’s what took place. Gold traded as high as +$27.20 at its afternoon peak, while S&Ps advanced 13.10 points at their best levels.

The press conference began with a downgrade in the 2011 GDP forecast to 3.1%-3.3% from 3.4%-3.9% seen in Jan and an upgrade in the core inflation forecast to 1.3%-1.6% from 1.0%-1.3% previously. That alone gave support to precious metals from the perspective that slow growth and high inflation were negative for the dollar. In the press conference, Fed Chairman Bernanke referred to inflation being transitory and said that high commodity prices were caused by strong demand in developing economies. He suggested that the balance sheet would remain at end-June levels, with a shrinking balance sheet signaling a tightening. He gave no timetable for the tightening. He did seem to argue against QE3, but the lack of mention of balance sheet shrinkage or paying interest on bank reserves as suggested by the WSJ enabled metals to take back the corrections made earlier this week. Mr. Bernanke suggested that Fed policies would be beneficial for the dollar, but the dollar index finished about 0.45 points lower yesterday.

We think that the FOMC statement as well as the press conference implied that accommodative policy would last for at least several months after the June 30th end of QE2. When combined with the unlikelihood that significant agreement will be made between Democrats and Republicans regarding which spending programs to cut later this summer, we now believe that the key factors boosting metals in recent years including low rates and a weaker dollar will remain in place.
A record high for gold and the decline of the dollar : Gold prices increased 2.4% in first quarter : The sharp decline of the dollar boosted gold's gains
Gold prices continued to break record highs on Thursday, benefiting from the steady decline of the U.S. dollar at its lowest level since July / July 2008, after it became clear that the United States will keep its monetary policy as is.
Gold in the spot market Has reached the highest level ever at U.S. $ 1532.91 per ounce (ounce equals 28.25 grams), which is a ninth record high in nine sessions, before easing slightly to the price of $ 1530.80 an ounce."The American population is just now beginning to realize that their 401k turned into a 201k and we've got to have something to counterbalance the typical cash stocks bonds," Michael Haynes, CEO of American Precious Metals Exchange told CNBC

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Jim Willie : IMF plan to introduce the SDR but that's just a fancy name for a basket of major currencies the dollar the Euro the Yen and the British Pound , imagine if they try to use this basket as a global reserve banking currency , they think that this will fix the problems that the dollar has , because the dollar has cancer it is called QE
...they gonna fail miserably and this means that the price of commodities will continue to rise uniformly gold silver cotton crude oil all of them in uni-sense

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Peter Grandich on taking profit on Silver , Intermediate top may be play according to him , this interview was done by contraryinvestorscafe on Apr 27 2011 ...Peter Grandich recommends taking profits on silver at $50 an ounce , personally I disagree and I trend to go with what James Turk and Bob Chapman are recommending buy keep buying and stay long this market will go ballistic from now on with few corrections here and there that you should use for purchasing more....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

The Gold market is very quiet and range-bound ahead of the Fed FOMC meeting today. While we expect no surprise in Mr Bernanke’s press conference following the decision. The Fed’s Fund rate is to remain unchanged and indications should be that there will be no further quantitative easing after the current bond purchase program has been completed.

Because the Fed is unlikely to embark on further quantitative easing does not change our view on gold. We still believe the metal may find upside support towards year-end. Real interest rates remain exceptionally low and government borrowing high. These tow factors are core to our bullish view on gold. Short term however we would not be surprised to see gold dip lower. We believe fundamentally gold should see a pull-back first before the next move higher. We see value in gold on approach of $1,450.

Gold support is at $1,500 and $1,493. Resistance is at $1,516 and $1,525.
Gold, Silver surge on FED announcing Quantitative Easing 2.5 , the Fed's FOMC announcement today propelled the price of gold and silver further with gold reaching another all time high of $1527 so far , all of us gold and silver hoarders should really thank Mr Ben Bernanke cause anytime he shows his face on national TV with new announcement the gold and silver prises surge , again and again thank you Mr Ben Bernanke....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

James Turk : The Dollar on the path to Fiat currency graveyard

James Turk & Chris Waltzek - Goldseek Radio April 26, 2011

James Turk of : I am anticipating a waterfall decline of the dollar in not a very distant future , as we are getting close to June when the FED have to decide whether to stop the Quantitative easing or stop it , but the reality is I do not see how they can stop Quantitative easing says James Turk , giving that the politicians in Washington continue to spend like there is no tomorrow that debt got to be financed somewhere and it is going to be financed by the printing press that's very very inflationary , ...the silver remains in backwardation where the spot month is higher than the future contracts in December 2015 and that's about a 65 cent backwardation which is very very rare event but it's an indication of how tight the physical market is

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Today again not only did gold hit another record above $1,500, we're at 1,510 right now. just for the past month gold up nearly 6%. But could this precious metal reach $5,000 an ounce in the next few years as forecasts Rob McEwen, US Gold Corp. CEO ? .

Rob McEwen, is chairman and CEO of u.s. gold, is forecasting gold at $5,000 an ounce in the next three to four years. : " ... we've seen it in the last 110 years happen twice before and this is the third time that gold is a favorite asset relative to equities and other assets. in terms of -- in times of financial stress, you have people going towards the precious metal. " " ... we've had 30 years of credit expansion of the likes we've never seen before in the world. and currencies have been the base and gold is money. it's the ultimate currency. and that's why people are starting to move to it. but you only have about 1% of the financial assets in the world represented by gold right now "

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold will witness an environment today that is nearly as positive as has recently been the case, but we favor taking on a more cautious tone today. The market will look for support from the potential that the Fed leaves monetary policy accommodative at tomorrow’s meeting, ongoing tensions in the Middle East, and to inflows of investment in order to keep the rally in motion. Gold has long-term resistance at $1,540/oz. Opposing pressure will be offered by signs that silver has entered a speculative frenzy due to wide price swings and from yesterday’s 9.2% hike in silver margins by the CME. We had been treating both gold as positive affairs in the last few
weeks, but would go neutral in the short-term until the markets settle down a bit.

The second focus of the market will be the Fed. An article in yesterday’s WSJ suggested that the Fed is discussing how to raise rates rather than when to raise them. The article was a change from Thursday’s suggestion in the paper that Fed Chairman Bernanke was intent on leaving ultra-low rate policy in place for now. Yesterday’s article showed that the Fed is apparently in discussions on either shrinking the balance sheet or paying interest on reserves held at the bank. It suggested that because there is so much liquidity held by banks, raising the Fed Funds rate may not have a normal effect. Because the Fed decision now appears to possibly go either way, we think it’s prudent to turn neutral on Gold in the short-term.
A big silver correction coming our way , hopefully so , so that I can buy more and more silver ...

James Turk said that $60 dollars is the next resistance barrier some other experts believe that silver topped and we are headed for a big correction , personally I agree with Bob Chapman , silver and gold are real money not an investment when I buy silver I am preserving my wealth from the printing presses of Bernanke , I am not making a short term investment , bottom line buy silver anytime you can and hold it for the long run , if you buy to make a quick profit this is not the right market for you...
Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Huge Gold Nugget Ignites Gold Rush . a 35 year veteran geologist found a $460 000 nugget in California he refused to sell it and decided to return to the same spot where he found it in search for more gold nuggets , this may trigger a modern day gold rush especially with the prices of gold exploding to new highs everyday ....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

The environment for Gold trade should remain favorable this week, with a fresh focus on the Fed likely to offer strong support. Gold prices should advance toward $1,540/oz over the next couple weeks, while silver could easily rise toward $50/oz. Support will come from accommodative monetary policy, tensions in the Middle East, a weaker dollar, and signs of investment inflows. First-notice in silver is on Friday and any potential squeezes could keep it buoyed. Thursday’s news regarding Scotia Mocatta’s registered silver inventories could do the same.

Moderate pressure will come from overbought conditions and strength in the stock market, but we think these will be fairly minor. We favor trading gold and silver as positive trading affairs, and maintaining our long position in July platinum from $1,740. We’ve been unable on our long gold recommendation for the last week.

The focus this week will be on the FOMC meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, with a policy decision to be communicated on Wednesday. This will be the first Fed meeting with a press conference afterward, which could create additional volatility for markets as every statement is read into. The meeting has been expected to lay the groundwork for an exit from quantitative ease, as the next meeting comes only about one week before the June 30th finale of QE2. The issue to watch will be whether QE3 is signaled, or conversely how fast the Fed’s balance sheet
will be unwound. The WSJ reported on Thursday that Fed Chairman Bernanke appears intent on leaving ultra-low rate policy in place for now. That would suggest that there will not be a QE3, but that previous quantitative ease will not be unwound quickly. Such a condition should be supportive for Gold because it would signal that the Fed still has an uncertain view on the economy and is holding the potential for new rounds of QE close at hand.

Support will also come from ongoing tensions in the Middle East. The main opposition group in Bahrain warned the government that angry Shiite youths could “explode” if the Sunnite led government did not end its efforts to purge Shiites from state jobs. Violence is still prevalent in Libya, where the war between Gaddafi and rebels has been in a stalemate. Concerns for Gold center on safe-haven inflows as well as on oil price inflation sparked by shortages of Libya’s supply of light sweet crude oil. The loss of Libyan oil has increased competition between buyers
of other sweet grades from Algeria and Nigeria. Supplies in Nigeria aren’t certain because of renewed violence there in the wake of the Apr 16th elections.
David Morgan ..what's happening is reflective of the currency problems the dollar particularly cause it is still the reserve currency of the world , Silver is under fire for quite sometime increasing by almost a buck or more a day David Morgan explains , uncertainty in the market distrust of the US dollar are going to propulse gold and silver prices even higher , the dollar as any other FIAT currency is going to collapse,  what is worrisome is that the US Dollar is the world's reserve currency ...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
James Turk : we almost touched $50 /oz silver in Asia , then we backed off a little bit , the markets today are closed in Europe for the 4 days Easter holiday so it will be interesting to see what happens when they come back tomorrow , given the amount of the buying power that we are seeing in the market you have to assume that we will be seeing higher prices in the weeks ahead , once we are over $50/oz there is no resistance as the way I see it says James Turk , go back and look at the DOW when we went over a thousand back in 1982 it just kept going and going and going , the same thing could be happening here with silver for the next couple of years , because the supply /demand picture is very good and everybody knows the problems with the US dollar ...silver is still a cheap form of gold on historical averages and that's attracting a lot of people into the market ...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold hits a yet another all time record high today , while silver surged more than 5 per cent to within a whisker of its all-time peak of 50 dollars an ounce ,Silver hits 49.82 oz only 50 cents from the all time record of 50.35 dollars an ounce marked January 18, 1980. At the New York market and the futures contract jumped to $ 49.82, just 50 cents from record high. Since the beginning of this year the Silver sees an increase of 60%. as the dollar continued its free fall and inflation continues to worry , experts see more room for upside moves for both gold and silver in the coming weeks and months ...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Universities start Investing in GOLD

The University of Texas have chosen to invest in physical gold instead of the risky gold certificates , the total investment is of 6000 ounces of Gold with a market value of about 1 billion dollars ...more universities and other institutions may follow the university of Texas steps...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold is very convenient to transport , matter of fact one million dollar in gold could be carried very easily in a small briefcase ...A million in gold in this briefcase : It doesn't take much gold to get to a million dollars anymore. In
fact, that you can carry it in a small bag.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
The Fundamentals of Precious Metals Investing with Jerry Robinson and Tom Cloud
The spike in prices of gold and silver has surprised many. At the same time, there are ways to make money on the rallies in both these metals.Trading sentiments for the yellow metal turned bullish on heavy buying support, following turmoil in Libya and surging crude oil prices. While gold surged to more than $1500 an ounce on rising seasonal demand, silver rose to $46.72 an ounce on heavy buying by stockists and industrial units, amid firm global cues. However, such a rise has hardly made any difference in the enthusiasm of the buyers.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Bob Chapman explains the explosion in Silver prices

Get into gold and silver says Bob Chapman , he himself just bought some yesterday it is not late and at this prices gold and silver are still very very cheap , JPM and HSBc are gonna have a decision at $50 an ounce silver either partial default or total default or a bailout from the Federal Reserve. Gold is going to break out here and is going to go to $1600 , $1650 , silver is another situation , the unusual situation is that JP Morgan Chase and HSBC are short 45 to 1 , that means for every contract they have in silver they sold 45 and there is thousands of them , they're naked short they can't get out they can't buy back into silver which keeps on going up , 3 things can happen here , they either can tell their clients we do not have silver and we are going to pay you 25 cents on the dollar or they can default in complete in other words what is called a force majeure or the federal reserve can step in and cover their losses 46 dollars a share their losses are about 90 billion dollars
Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

The gold rush : small investors flocking into gold

Small investors start flocking into gold and silver as The US dollar is in trouble. Inflation and debt have a nation in the choke hold. We can get out but not with our FED's current monetary system of fractional reserve lending. Our economic system is designed to drive us further in debt. Abolishing the Federal Reserve and returning to sound money will solve 90% of this country's problems. It used to be very difficult for private individuals to find a simple, cost effective and secure way of buying, storing, and later selling gold, Not anymore now you can buy gold even from ATM machines in Florida and Las Vegas .Investing in gold and silver will protect your assets from the inevitable collapse of the dollar.The Eonomy is growing again says Obama , believe it ...

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

David Morgan whats driving the Gold and Silver Rally ?

David Morgan on The Financial Sense Newshour 22 Apr 2011

Silver guru David Morgan explains what's may be driving the gold and silver market rally , the COMEX and the FED could conspire again in order to bring the silver price down

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold Bars - with Tungsten Cores , be careful what you are buying , this is not meant to scare you , but just to make you aware of the fact that there are some fakes out there , last week when I heard that some silver pesos fakes were calculating I grabbed mine to my coin shop and exchanged them for some Canadian maples that I can trust

It's wonderful, one can't trust anyone at this time, especially the US government,We, the average people, are slipping back into our historical role as slaves.Stop borrowing money. Stop enslaving yourself to anything that sends you a bill. Stop spending your money with any multinational corporation. Start growing food and baking at home.The fractional reserve banking system, money multipliers and ETF policies finally become exposed for what they are: legalized fraud. Before the banks there was no inflation; I wonder when the general public will become aware of the fact that the entire financial system is one huge scam.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold hits the all time record high of $1510.32/oz on the Asian markets, rising 1.3% in just a week , Gold rising in Asian markets, where it updates the record for $1510.32/oz : the gold for immediate delivery touched $ 1,510.32 an ounce mark. This week, the precious metal has scored a rise of 1, 3%, the third consecutive weekly increase.Gold is durable divisible consistent convenient and has intrinsic value said Aristotle 2000 years ago , Gold is money always was and always will be..

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold Price Hits USD1,500

Despite a resurgence in risk appetite (equities are up across the globe and emerging market currencies are strengthening), Gold continue to benefit from steady safe-haven demand. Gold posted another record high, for the fifth consecutive day, while silver pushed to the highest price seen since January 1980, before easing slightly lower. Even PGM, the laggards in recent weeks, have posted some strong gains.

The main impetus appears to be concerns over rising inflation, leading investors into Gold as a means of protecting their wealth. Lingering concerns over the Eurozone debt situation (speculation is that the Greek fiscal restructuring might occur as early as this weekend) and the Libyan stalemate are also making for healthy interest in precious metals. Extended dollar weakness (a trade-weighted basis the dollar currently stands at 16-month low) is another factor providing support for the metals.

We expect the impetus to remain to the upside today. However, markets are relatively illiquid ahead of the holidays. Therefore, we would caution that prices could respond erratically to any developments/announcements. In terms of data flow, the most significant today would be US jobless claims and leading indicator figures. Should the numbers prove to be appreciably worse
than expected, this might limit they upside for PGM, given the market’s recent concerns over industrial demand.

Gold support is at $1,498 and $1,488. Resistance is at $1,512 and $1,516.
Silver going ballistic : Is the dollar drop fueling corporate earnings. The dollar index falls to its lowest level since August 2008 . Also, a discussion of tech earnings from this week, is the dollar broken for good, how high can silver go.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Bill Still says that all the Austrian economics have correctly identified the problem but they have misidentified the solution because they believe that a return to gold backed money or commodity backed money or some combination of commodities for backing money will effectively control the quantity and break the back of the FED it's just not true says Bill Still (and I do not agree with him here ) Mr. Still is an author and documentary film maker, best known for his documentary "The Money Masters" and his his latest documentary film "The Secret of Oz." where he covers the history of money and the Federal Reserve System.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Dr. Marc Faber speaking recently with CNBV TV18 from India says that Gold  is far from being in any form of bubble , cause In gold and silver terms, Faber said , the Dow Jones over the last 10 years has already lost more than 80% of its value. "If it were a bubble a lot of people would have gold. The whole world would be trading gold 24 hrs a day. But I don’t think it’s really a bubble. I think may be gold is cheap."

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Stephen Leeb on Goldseek Radio 20 Apr 2011

...what I am more concerned about to be honest with you is what going on with Silver market and rare earth market says Stephen Leeb these markets are up more than 30 percent since the Japanese Earthquake and the nuclear accident , I do not think it is coincidental I really think it is recognition that silver and rare earth are going to be in tremendous demand because they are central to renewable energy , and if the nuclear is going to take a back seat even in China where they will still go forward pretty aggressively with nuclear they're really got to be more conscious of the risks that means a lot more solar a lot more wind a lot more rare earth a lot more silver , I would not be surprise that the Chinese are behind the Silver market move Stephen Leeb added ...or a major part of it , if that's the case I would guess the silver will go much more higher ....

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Gold above the USD 1,500 an ounce mark for the first time in history . James Steel chief commodity analyst at HSBC gives his insight

James Steel believes that it is pretty much on the investment side where the demand is booming : It’s very much on the investment side. When I first started looking at the gold market, the bulk of consumption was in the jewellery market. So it went physically towards someone owning gold for adoration around the neck or finger etc. The theme in the last several years, particularly, since the crisis began to hit what started out as a subprime mortgage crisis in the middle of 2007, the shift has been very much towards investment and less towards jewellery.The percentages of gold consumption for jewellery have dropped while investment has risen. That’s because the price has risen and that has pushed some people out of the jewellery market followed by the fact that a decline in luxury goods, consumption when you get an economic crisis followed by the increased portfolio diversification demand for gold. We definitely have seen a shift in the buying pattern for gold.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Overnight there was little movement in the gold price as bulls found it difficult to break through the $1,500 level. A quiet trading session saw the price confined to a $10 range. Resistance was short lived however with a combination of dollar weakness and fresh buying this morning finally propelling gold above $1,500 during London trade.

Fears that the global economic recovery might be in jeopardy, sparked by S&P’s ratings outlook downgrade of the US, have been dispelled by strong corporate earnings results and a steady improvement in US housing data. US Treasury Secretary
Geithner’s assurances that the government was making progress towards a deficit-reducing budget might also have emboldened
markets. He even ventured so far as to say in a television interview that the US would “absolutely” keep its AAA credit
rating. Despite the general sentiment appearing to have shifted to a risk-on stance, precious metals are still managing to gain
ground. Part of this can be explained by resurgent dollar weakness, both against the euro and in trade-weighted terms.
Given that the recent concerns over the global recovery appeared to reignite doubts over industrial demand for PGM (as evidenced
by the divergence in PGM prices from gold), this renewed bout of optimism should provide support for platinum and
palladium today.
Gold support is at $1,494 and $1,485. Resistance is at $1,507 and $1,509.
Gold prices hit a new record level when the $ 1500 an ounce mark was reached for the first time in the history of the precious metal .
The rise comes after the credit rating agency Standard & Poor's for the first time reduced the long-term debt rating of the United States from stable to negative, and as the depreciation of the dollar against major currencies continues.
And comes amid growing fears about the worsening U.S. fiscal deficit, and the crisis of European sovereign debt.
One of the issues that have contributed to the rising prices of the yellow metal in recent months, are the middle east revolts erupted, which caused a large rise in prices of raw materials in general, including crude oil and grain, which led to raise fears about inflation and rising prices.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)
Jim Rogers : ...the thing that caught people's attention is that gold was going up so much that's the wrong way to invest , Look I own gold I own silver but where were these guys five years ago ten years ago that's when they should have ben doing all of this (buying huge amounts of silver) unfortunately for all of us most investors do not notice something until there is nice bull market in place such as with gold and silver , after ten years of price rises in gold people are starting to notice ...and yes there will be more people buying gold eventually everybody is going to own gold and then we will have to sell our gold but that's a long way from now ....
If silver continues a parabolic move I have to worry , all parabolic bubbles pops at the end , unless there is a currency crash , if silver goes up to $150 without a currency collapse I would worry says Jim Rogers

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Gold soared within touching distance of $1,500

The announcement that S&P has changed the US credit rating outlook to negative, broadened the appeal of gold and silver has an alternative investment amid fears of a faltering global recovery. This added to the risk-off sentiment stemming from continued unrest in the MENA region, and the ongoing fears over the Eurozone region’s lingering sovereign debt problems.

Gold soared within touching distance of $1,500, before profit-taking spurred a fall below $1,490 during Asian trade. Interestingly, silver was not leading the charge the time around, with erratic price action curbing the metal’s gains as investors appeared to ignore the market. With risk aversion at heightened levels and the dollar weakening, we expect gold and silver to enjoy continued support today, although the $1,500 mark proves a significant psychological barrier for gold.

Gold support is at $1,482 and $1,470. Resistance is at $1,503 and $1,510.
Spot Gold prices rallied toward record highs approaching the $1,500 an ounce mark today amidst inflation concerns in China the dollar decline, rising crude oil prices unrest in the middle east , worries about sovereign debt problems in Europe and the Standard & Poor's downgrading its credit outlook for the United States Gold hits an all-time high of $1498.9 At the New York market.While In London, prices are stable at $1493.9 .Gold is still far below its all-time inflation-adjusted high, estimated at almost $2,500 an ounce, Many experts see Gold hitting the $2000 mark before the end of this year. Silver was quoted at $43.11 an ounce against $42.99, having earlier touched a new 31-year high at $43.51 an ounce. Silver has been the best-performing precious metal so far this year, up 40 percent since January.

Related ETFs : Ishares Silver ETF (SLV), SPDR GOld ETF (GLD) SPDR GOld ETF (GLD), Powershares DB SPDR Gold ETF (GLD), Newmont Mining (NEM), Barrick Gold (ABX), GoldCorp (GG)

Economist Silver Guru and author David Morgan reenacts a dramatic scene from the Movie ROLLOVER (1981) a frightening worldwide currency crisis that may as well happen in our time probably very very soon , this movie is amazing quite prophetic knowing that it was produces back in 1981 , in the movie the crisis was triggered by the arabs withdrawing all their money from US Banks , the dollar become worthless paper gold price fly to the moon , David Morgan quotes Warren Buffet calling those derivatives Financial Mass Destruction

Growing fears of rising inflation and a weak dollar continue to benefit gold and silver at the start of the week. Inflation-hedge buying is providing the main impetus for gold and silver, although a reduced appetite for risk is also playing its part. Chinese authorities raised reserve requirements over the weekend (to take effect on 21 April), the seventh consecutive increase since October last year. The move was not surprising off the back of March price data released on Friday which revealed that a) consumer inflation stands at 5.4% y/y, the highest level since August 2008, and b) producer inflation which also came in higher than expectations (consensus 7.2% y/y) at 7.3% y/y, indicating strengthening pipeline inflationary pressures.

Gold and silver have shrugged off the promise of more aggressive Chinese monetary conservatism. The reaction of platinum and palladium is in line with base metals, and could be ascribed to concerns over industrial demand in China should authorities continue to tighten monetary policy. Moody’s downgrade of Irish long-term bank deposits could further increase interest in Gold, in that it might return nvestor focus to the Eurozone debt situation and the threat of financial contagion. However, given the current lack of interest in PGMs, we would expect gold and silver to be buoyed the most by this news.

While gold and silver seem to be enjoying support it is worth noting some changes in speculative activity. According to the most recent CFTC data, net speculative length for COMEX Gold declined marginally, ending three weeks of consecutive gains. Given that the changes in speculative positions were minimal, we would not take this as a signal of a market turning
bearish on gold as yet, but do consider it something to keep an eye on. The dramatic increase in short silver positions over the past two weeks and last week’s fall in speculative longs do raise concerns that markets expect a correction in silver’s recent rally; this has pushed prices to record highs.

Gold support is at $1,471 and $1,463. Resistance is at $1,489 and $1,497.
Gold Rally has touched today the psychological threshold of $ 1,500. In New York quotes splashed to $ 1,498 after the S&P Standard & Poor's has revised to 'negative' its outlook for the United States economy .Gold, has a strong correlation with the greenback and crude oil, The Dollar is weak and the crude oil is heading to $150 (according to analysts ) all bullish signals for the Gold . there is also the demand from emerging markets for the physical gold as multi-trillion dollar foreign exchange reserves from emerging economies chasing spot gold markets which fare in billions of dollars. The percentage of reserves in gold of emerging economies is still 1.5 to two per cent of their total reserves.Silver prices also continue to move higher

Marc Faber, editor & publisher of "The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report" talks about his preferred ways to invest in gold  " well basically I do not think that people should punt on Gold but they should be their own central bank and gradually accumulate gold reserves as a currency and they should basically hold it physically but not in the US outside the US " " I think there is the risk that the US will once again as they did in 1933 collect the gold expropriate the gold they will not take away and not pay anything they'll pay probably the market price and after they will revalue it it by say five times "

Gold & Silver Rush Has Begun amongst Billionaires

"Silver And Gold Hit A New All-Time High Price" Thanks To Dollar Collapse Gold hits new all time price and Silver hits a new 31 year high price. The steady collapse of the U.S. dollar will continue to make silver and gold rise as it will take more paper money to buy them.

Mike Maloney for the first time in human history silver is more rare than Gold , the amount of silver that investors can buy , the amount of silver in the exchanges , the amount of silver in the dealers , there is more gold for investors to buy than there is silver so as this bull market progresses I do expect a rush into silver as people find out that silver is more rare ....

Silver in the hands of the people

Silver in the hands of the people Silver as Money : Summary of the lecture given by Hugo

Salinas-Price President of the Mexican Civic Association for Silver in January 2011," How to monetize silver so that it can circulate permanently in parallel with paper and digital money" the last bubble is world's currencies , all currencies in the world are fiat currencies and they are all derivatives of the dollar , which is itself nothing but a piece of paper ,The silver coins will outlast any central bank

The first conditions to menetize one ounce coin silver are :
The coin shall not bear an engraved monetary value.
The Treasury will attribute a quote, a monetary value in pounds to the ounce.
The quote will serve the same function as an engraved value.
when the coin has an engraved value it's condemned to go out of circulation
The last monetary quote given to the ounce by the issuer must not be reducible.
Just as is the condition of present British pound coins and bank notes.
If the quote is allowed to fluctuate in value downward, according to the price of silver, then the ounce will not be currency: it will continue existing as a commodity
Silver money will remain permanently in circulation and will never be at risk of disappearing due to a collapse of the banking system.
JP Morgan is an arm of the FED says Daryl Bradford Smith of the French Connection : I guarantee by September of this year you won't recognize America or Europe things are going to get desperate because this financial nightmare is just exploding now , one of the things that's gong to happen and this is in the banking industry which is their crime wave , The price of Silver has reached over forty and I know when silver goes over fifty JP Morgan will owe over 600 billion in short position , but guess what they have been doing clandestinely and this is why I know that JP Morgan is an arm of the FED that they are the FED , everybody thinks that JP Morgan is a private consortium , it is as private as the FED is private they are all owned by criminals , these criminals work together and the simple fact is their short position trying to hold silver in check is going to explode on them and there is nothing they can do about that explosion , in the last 3 or 4 weeks they have been net buyers of silver , JP Morgan was trying to buy its way out of this rising silver prices , when it gets over 50 they'll walk away from these short positions ...

Growing fears of rising inflation and extended dollar weakness

During late afternoon trade yesterday, in particular gold and silver, enjoyed support from growing fears of rising inflation and extended dollar weakness. The trade-weighted dollar index drifted to a low of around 74.7, a level last seen in December 2009. After the ECB’s rate hike last week and Fed members’ comments, together with the Fed’s Beige book indicating that the US central bank would be staying the current course of monetary accommodation, investors have been drawn to the euro in anticipation of a widening US-Eurozone interest rate differential.

Speculation that Chinese consumer inflation would be closer to 5.3% y/y (rather than the consensus expectation of 5.2% y/y) also pushed precious metals markets higher on inflation-hedge buying. As it turns out, China’s price data revealed that consumer inflation for March stood at 5.4% y/y, well above expectations and the highest level since August 2008. Producer inflation also came in higher than expectations (consensus 7.2% y/y) at 7.3% y/y an indication of strengthening pipeline inflationary pressures. At the onset this contributed to further inflation-hedge buying, but since the darkens China’s outlook for inflation it might raise the threat of more aggressive monetary conservatism by Chinese authorities (especially given that Q1:11 GDP figures were also unexpectedly strong). This could be bearish for commodities
in general, although the effect on base metals could be particularly acute.

Eurozone consumer inflation figures also bested expectations, coming in at 2.7% y/y for March (consensus: 2.6% y/y). This should provide support for precious metals from two angles, in that it both
(a) heightens fears over rising inflation and
(b) raises the prospect for further ECB rate hikes and consequently a weaker dollar.

Gold support is at $1,458 and $1,444. Resistance is at $1,482 and $1,490.
Silver guru David Morgan and Premium Exploration President Del Steiner setting with Al Korelin to discuss the budget cuts , the ongoing U.S. financial crisis and how these woes have created the perfect storm for Gold and silver which prices are expected to shoot to the moon .

David Morgan : ..."...we are having a budget deficit situation that unsustainable in fact at this point in time it is mathematically impossible to pay it off , and when you look at the budget cuts they're meaningless " " These budget cuts are absolutely a farce relative to the amount of deficit spending that's going on in this country for so long "

Gold to Rise to $2,200 on Chinese Inflation

Rising China's Inflation is creating an unprecedented Gold Rush amongst the Chinese citizens , The investment demand in gold from China is literally exploding with China becoming the second largest inv. market for gold after India ,Commodities are entering a period where you have to distinguish between industrials and gold or silver. It's a different fundamental story with grains, however, says Brian Kelly, Kanundrum Capital who see $2,200 Gold on the horizon... Silver will certainly follow...

In general, the Fed’s Beige Book was read as favourable to maintaining the current course of monetary accommodation. To this end, the impact on Gold was minimal. The report showed that manufacturing continued to improve modestly, with “slight gains” in consumer spending. While inflation pressures off the back of rising commodity prices was mentioned, the lack of wage pressure implies no significant change to the Fed’s outlook for inflation.

Consequently, this does not warrant any consideration being given to withdrawing monetary stimulus, as yet. The release of Chinese monetary supply and credit extension data this morning, in that it bested market expectations should provide some short-term support for commodities. In addition, the unexpected increase in China’s foreign reserves (currently $3,044.7bn, from $2,991.4bn) should provide support for Gold from a global liquidity perspective. Investor speculation that the Fed will lag the ECB in raising interest rates has led to a weaker dollar (both in relation to the euro and from a trade-weighted perspective), which is broadening the appeal of precious metals as an alternative investment.

In light of tomorrow’s release of Eurozone and China’s price data, the threat of rising inflation is also front of mind for many investors. Again, in particular gold and silver which have benefited the most from inflation-hedge buying.

Gold support is at $1,451 and $1,446. Resistance is at $1,463 and $1,468.
Gold and Silver
New record for gold, which breaks through the ceiling of $ 1,478 an ounce. Concerns about the debt crisis, inflation and the fluctuation of the greenback are pushing the precious metals to new highs Gold touched 1.478.00 in New York. New rally for silver, which exceed forty two dollars per ounce, reaching its highest level since February 1980.the Silver market is literally on fire as it has gained almost $8 an ounce in less than a month !

Bill Murphy of GATA Goldseek radio interview 14 Apr 2011

Bill Murphy they (JP Morgan ) do not have the physical silver to deliver against their short positions they are trapped and they will likely have a panic ,....according to Bill Murphy the real spectacular demand for silver is going to come from investors rather than from the industrial demand because gold becoming mre and more expensive a lot of people can't afford it , so the poorman's gold becoming ever more important and people are starting to pour into silver because they cannot afford Gold the silver gold ratio could shoot to ten to one according to Eric Sprott , the shorts are trapped and JP Morgan they played this derivative game on the short side and what happened now is that they hit the wall , they do not have the physical silver to deliver and the longs know it and that's why these silver rallies are very brief and the market comes right back again "we have a panic coming and it could come at any time "

Gold support is at $1,447 and $1,435.

As oil prices dropped dramatically yesterday (fuelled by concerns that higher oil prices would result in demand destruction, implying a deterioration in the global growth outlook), Gold tracked the rest of the commodities complex lower.

However, as the Asian markets opened this morning, some resilience was evident among the Gold, in particular gold and silver. This recovery from yesterday’s fall has been steady, although the complex is far from yesterday’s highs. A weaker dollar and a recovery in oil prices are providing support for gold and silver. As usual, it is silver which is benefiting the most, with large volumes indicating that technical buying is largely responsible for the gains. For PGM, sporadic demand has managed to lift prices, although this group still looks vulnerable. Eurozone industrial production for February, although disappointing expectations, has shown an improvement on January (7.3% y/y, compared to 6.3% y/y respectively).

The release of the Fed’s Beige book later today will most likely be closely watched. As highlighted before, markets will most likely focus on any signals that the Fed might be contemplating an early exit to its planned $600bn in monetary accommodation. To this end, signs of a strengthening US economy or rising inflation might darken the outlook for continued monetary accommodation and abundant global liquidity. Given the strong positive relationship between Gold and global liquidity, this could shake confidence in the complex, prompting some downside for prices.

Chinese money supply figures (including new yuan loans) are also scheduled for release this week. These might spark a knee-jerk sell-off in Gold should they reveal a slowdown in monetary expansion.

Gold support is at $1,447 and $1,435. Resistance is at $1,470 and $1,480.
Jean-Francois Pages, CEO of Swiss Precious Metals, says clients have become aware of insolvency risk after 2008, increasing demand for physical storage of gold .the difference is between holding tangible gold or paper asset where you have only a claim after 2008 crisis most of the clients are aware of the insolvency risks of the system and have developed a mistrust of paper currency and fiat money ...
he calls his kind of storage a very special segregated storage , where clients are sure to have their precious metals stored and with no double ownership and a guarantee they they can have their metals anytime they ask for them his price are 1 percent per anum of the market value of the gold that is deposited and these fees also include complete insurance coverage , Jean also says that he does not deal with silver as the value of silver makes it not interesting in terms of storage ...

Bob Chapman the International forecaster explains how the gold and silver market is manipulated by the government and JP Morgan

Bob Chapman : ...your government the treasury department and the federal reserve under the executive order of august 1988 signed by Ronald Reagan the president working group and financial market in in there rigging the market you don't have a free market in America anymore you have a corporate fascist government and they do anything they feel like doing , and they are in here rigging that market , they have been rigging the gold and silver market or attempting to do so since 1988 , it will last 2 to 3 days and the market will go back up again cause it cost too much far beyond what they want to achieve says bob Chapman ....
Silver Wheaton 's CEO the Bull run in precious metals to continue because people have lost faith in paper currencies

Randy Smallwood, CEO of Silver Wheaton, the world's largest reseller of silver, : " whether we talk about the price of silver, a lot of people are talking about this as being a bull market in precious metals. i think it's a bear market in paper currencies. we all know about sovereign debt issues and such. i see continued strength in commodities and specifically precious metals as a store of value , I don't think that's changing I do not see any thing that has changed , you know we were talking about a bit of a set back in couple of days I haven't seen anything that is changing on the other side of the equation i.e. I wish we had more faith in paper currencies "
David Morgan on raw gold shortage in China interviewed by kitco news

David Morgan who has spend some time in China says that the Chinese people are mostly accumulating paper gold not physical this is quite surprising , China is now considered the world's largest producer of gold.But most of it stays in China, where people see gold as a safe, solid investment in uncertain economic times.CHINA GOLD IMPORTS JUMP! 500% China had plans to increase its gold holding in its foreign exchange reserves. China wants to get its 3,000 tons of gold off the market, so as to not drive the price sales in China is not slowing down. On the contrary, it is surging Gold products are usually purchased for special occasions, like weddings. But surging global gold prices are also driving Chinese investors to snap up what they can.

Gold and Silver Will Correct Further says Phil Streible

Phil Streible, senior market strategist at Lind-Waldock, says that $1,500 gold and $45 silver are still possibilities but that both metals will correct further
gold silver ratio start to rise again on that has been. Sorry about that severely bad it -- down you know that while the 34 range power -- culture that thirty day we should be dead. Debt spread chart and -- it yeah. On golden copper prices and very far away from both major moving averages and if it is moving average gold on -- in no way I would even worse that -- at 34 dollars so I think the default all quite quickly.

After ending last week on a high note, Gold have run into some light selling into the start of this week. Market participants are tentatively seeking out riskier positions, which has reduced safe-haven demand for precious metals. In addition, after the recent rally some investors are starting to feel that precious metals might be overbought (especially silver), which has led to some profit-taking.

Once again, with not much in terms of data flow today, comments by Fed members, this time Dudley and Yellen (scheduled to speak at events later today) may prompt some activity in Gold markets. Should any comments increase speculation that Fed members are becoming increasingly polarised on the issue of monetary accommodation, we could see volatility in Gold. We still foresee that as the deadline for QEII draws near, increased uncertainty and speculation among market players concerning the possible paths the Fed might follow could result in increased volatility in Gold prices.

For the week ahead, the release of the Fed’s Beige book and US inflation figures will most likely be closely watched. Here too markets will focus on any indications that the Fed might be contemplating an early exit to its planned $600bn in monetary accommodation. To this end signs of a strengthening US economy or rising inflation might darken the outlook for continued
monetary accommodation and abundant global liquidity. Given the strong positive relationship between Gold and global liquidity, this could shake confidence in the complex, prompting some downside for prices.

Gold support is at $1,457 and $1,447. Resistance is at $1,477 and $1,486.
Silver prices at 31-year high , silver hit a new 31-year peak Tuesday as investors' desire for safe havens trumped news of a Chinese interest rate increase. the price of silver, which more than doubled in the last 12 months, climbing to its most expensive level versus gold since 1983.according to some experts like James Turk and Eric Sprott , the silver bull rally just started and we are going to see an explosion in the silver market in the coming months and years , this is the decade of the silver Eric Sprott calls it ,this is the biggest investment opportunity in human history says Mike Maloney
Max Keiser : Silver Skyrocketing, JP Morgan Getting Crushed

Film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser talks about the financial situation in the middle east and how it's all controlled by the Global Banking Cartel.Max Keiser is one of the best sources of information out there in the media telling people the truth about economic issues. & JP Morgan is a big manipulator of the precious metals market specifically silver.SLV is a manipulation mechanism: JPMorguan is "trustee" custodian. They say all the silver is really there in the vault, but trusting the notorious naked silver short banksters with all that silver is kind of like letting the fox guard the hen house. Fox says: "All the hens are good." (in his stomach). YT user: endless mountain made a video on March 1, 2011: Chart shows SLV consistently goes down during trading in the west, but smart Asians buy up REAL SILVER at night! Manipulation Exposed!

Andy Gause on the Jeff Rense Show

Author and monetary ( Currency ) historian and nationally recognized expert on the U.S. Monetary System Andy ( Andrew ) Gause , author of the books The Secret World Of Money, and Uncle Sam Cooks The Books, What does Andrew foresee in 2011 for : prices of food, gasoline, natural gas, gold, silver , the bottom line is...
As long as we have a money supply that is permitted to be expanded by private banks and politicians at will, then the increase in the money supply guarantees its value will decline over time.As the value of the money we use declines, the price of physical commodities that the money can purchase will rise in price. In other words it will take more of the same paper in the future to purchase the same.

*European crisis manufactured to strengthen the dollar?
*When will U.S. produce needed jobs?
*What is the real story from Jackson Hole meeting?
*How to protect retirement accounts from USG takeover?
*Will gold and silver retreat before moving on?
*Why are Obama's bosses totally confused, or are they?
Gold is The only Money says Michael Ruppert , it has alays been since 6000 years ago and people will always turn to gold when the SHTF

gold is money based on the price of crude oil from 1950 to 2010.Money retains is value. Dollars, on the other hand, don't retain their value because Ben Bernanke is printing them like crazy.The US only has about 260 million ounces of gold.

At today's price, that only covers about $260B of debt.

The US national debt is more than $5T foreign debt, $5T domestic debt.

Thus the 260M oz of gold has to be spread over 5T or 10T not 260B.

Thus gold is worth much more than a few thousand dollars.

Going to the gold standard would be a massive transfer of wealth to gold holders and impoverish dollar holders.Nixon took the US off of Bretton Woods to save the last third, which is easy to see would be in the range of 250 million ounces.

Greenspan testified to Congress that the US does not trade in gold's time for people to consider who they are as people and what they value as Americans.

It's time for people to stop identifying themselves by a political party.

it's time for people to prioritize and decide what is most important in their lives

the time to support Ron Pall has passed, and protecting Schiff would be like trolling the internet.

economically, farmers and those who know how to farm will be better off than everyone else.

The USD will soon be the new peso! OLÉ!

Lindsey Williams The Gold and Silver Bull Run just started

Lindsey Williams The Silver Bull Run just started

Lindsey Williams who has been an ordained Baptist minister for nearly 30 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary and because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in his book, The Energy Non-Crisis reveals new bombshell information . In 2009, Williams talked about the plan by the global elite to sabotage the dollar, destroy the economy and America by 2012. If you think that Gold and silver are expensive now , you have not seen anything yet says Lindsey Williams , gold and silver are the currency of the elite and anything on a paper (fiat money bonds stocks ) is worth the paper it is written on . Gold production is decreasing due to few great Gold mine discoveries. Witwatersrand played a big rule in gold offer since 1970 and people investing in Gold should observe the whole around this metal. I have seen predictions of Gold falling back to USD 300/oz (speculation) and I have also seen predictions for Gold reaching USD 9000/oz considering industrial consumption and mining supply. Gold Mining production is around 2500 ton/year and demand around 3800 ton/ year. Take your own conclusions.
The US might want to push the price of gold up in order to cover there dept which is at around 14 trillion !
The United States holds the largest gold reserve in the world. With 8,133.5 tonnes, (241, 207, 076 oz) the US gold holdings are worth approximately $337.67 billion. This massive gold reserve would have to increase 40 times just to cover the dept !! That’s $56,000 a once.

Gold have enjoyed the support coming from a weaker dollar

Along with the other commodity groups, Gold have enjoyed the support coming from a weaker dollar, after yesterday’s rate hike by the ECB. A clear indication that the moves are mostly driven by the forex market is that in euro terms, precious metals prices remain largely unchanged. Although some profit-taking was evident, short-covering managed to push
prices higher.

With not much in terms of data flow today, comments by Fed members Fisher and Lockhart (scheduled to speak at events later today) may be seized upon. Should any comments increase speculation that Fed members are becoming increasingly polarised on the issue of monetary accommodation, we could see some volatility in precious metals markets. As highlighted previously, we foresee that as the deadline for QEII draws near, increased uncertainty and speculation among market players concerning the possible paths the Fed might follow could result in increased volatility in Gold prices.

Gold support is at $1,459 and $1,449. Resistance is at $1,472 and $1,475.
David Morgan : ..."I think that we've got more upside for a few more weeks. I think the sooner or later we gonna need a breather a back in and filling as we say in the trade. Nothing goes to the moon straight up forever. I do believe that I am right when I wrote several years ago that silver when it was under 5 will go to a 100 dollars an ounce I am still looking for triple digits not in 2011 . I said we'll 40 in 2011 we are there today , are we going higher this year ? probably will , are we gonna see 50 this year I am not sure "

Marc Faber " ...In Gold and Silver Terms the Dow Jones over the last ten years has already lost over more than 80% of its value. and yesterday, my friend frank holmes was on cnbc, and i don't know remember if it was you or somebody else, but the two interviews were kind of ridiculing him, telling him that gold was a bubble and so forth. i just came now from a conference. there were over 200 people here in Singapore. i asked the audiences, fund managers, you would imagine that they are intelligent. i asked them who of you has personally more than 5% of their assets in gold. not one person lifted their hand. not one. if it were a bubble, a lot of people would have gold. the whole world would be trading gold 24 hours a day. but i don't think it's really a bubble. i think maybe gold is cheaper today than it was in 1999 when it was at $252. "
