Peter Schiff Ultra Bullish on Silver

Economist Peter Schiff of Europac on CNBC 31 March 2011 answering questions about the Silver Supercycle and where he sees the prices of silver going after silver rose 22% in a quarter while gold remained basically stable...Peter Schiff : I have been riding this bull (Silver Bull) since 1999/2000 ...Silver  kind of has the best of both Worlds because it is an industrial metal and also a precious metal , so if you think the economy is growing you can buy silver and if you are afraid of inflation you can buy silver , it kind of has that element going for it ....the silver price is rising for the same reason that oil price is rising or agricultural commodities are rising , paper money is losing value , it is losing value because central banks are printing too much of it , that's not going to stop , look at the news you got today , you got higher than expected inflation coming out of Europe , you got the CEO of Walmart basically warning Americans to brace themselves for serious inflation he is looking for cross the board broad based increases starting in June

Yesterday saw some weakness across the Gold, most likely in response to strengthening initial US employment numbers. Challenger job cuts data showed a 36.6% y/y fall (from a 20% y/y increase in previously). ADP figures revealedthat 201k jobs were added. This might’ve buoyed optimism over the US economy and strengthened fears over monetary tightening. Hawkish comments by Fed members Hoenig and Bullard added to these concerns. As highlighted yesterday, uncertainty and increased speculation concerning US monetary tightening, could see volatility in Gold markets increase as the QEII deadline of June draws near. This could be particularly acute next as investors attention will be drawn to the issue as the ECB prepares to hike rates.

For now, markets are more firmly focused on the unrest in Libya and concerns over the European debt situation. The results of the Irish Central Bank’s stress tests will be crucial to market sentiment. Consensus predicts that banks will have to raise an additional $38.7bn. A particularly disappointing outcome could see Gold benefit.

Gold support is at $1,417 and $1,405. Resistance is at $1,436 and $1,443.
I a recent interview with the french radio host Jovanovic James Turk from Paris gave his prognostication about the Gold and Silver market and answered a range of other questions , he said that he predicts Gold price to hit $1800 before June and Silver $50 in a couple of months , in the video James Turk starts speaking at around 02:11 and he speaks in English with a french translation , so you can watch the video even if you do not understand french

James Turk says that Silver is in a prolonged backwardation , basically silver was in a backwardation since January , a backwardatio happens when the spot prices are higher than the Future prices it is a very rare very unusual very bullish situation , normally when a commodity goes into backwardation it lasts just for a short time but Silver was in backwardation since January , even if the price of silver has risen it remained in backwardation which is very very rare says James Turk "my long term forecast for Gold and Silver and this is a forecast that I made in 2003 , it is $8000 Gold and $400 Silver sometime between 2013 and 2015 " he says

Volatility in Gold markets as the QEII deadline of June draws near

Gold in particular, were buoyed by disappointing US consumer confidence numbers. The Conference Board’s measure fell to 63.4 in March, from a revised 72.0 in the previous month. Given that expectations were already quite low at 65.0, this result proved particularly disheartening. As an indication that the US economy was still fragile (consumption expenditure
accounts for 70% of GDP), the consumer confidence figure would ease worries over a premature exit from the Fed’s monetary accommodation. Given the strong positive relationship between global liquidity and precious metals (especially gold), this is supportive of the complex.

However, subsequent comments by various Fed members shows that the FOMC might be increasingly polarised on the issue of the timing of monetary tightening. Such uncertainty and increased speculation, could spark a rise in volatility in Gold markets as the QEII deadline of June draws near. Physical buying of gold has been relatively quiet overnight, dampened perhaps by speculation that India is considering regulatory changes to commodity imports.

Gold support is at $1,412 and $1,405. Resistance is at $1,425 and $1,430.
Silver mining costs are below those of Gold , Silver is incredibly under valued says Mike Maloney, author of Rich Dad's Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, predicted $15,000 gold but think silver offers more upside over the long term.“The world is going to rush into gold, but just like at the end of ’79, once it gets too expensive for the common man, which I believe is somewhere between $2,500 and $5,000 an ounce this time, the public changes their preference and they start noticing that silver is still cheap, and they start buying silver. That’s when silver blows the doors off of gold on a percentage basis just like in ’79.”
In 1980, it took 1000oz of silver to buy a single family median price home, that day will come again but it’s probably going to be less than 500oz. This opportunity isn’t going to last for long…there are these brief moments that go by, as far as historic time, they go by in the blink of an eye…where the safest place to be, the place where people run to, to protect their financial well being during economic crisis, gold and silver, they have been the safe haven for your finances for 5000 years.

Mike Maloney explains the difference between investing in physical gold and silver and investing in gold mining stocks , which ones may give better returns , be careful with numismatics and small junior miners
The corrupt fiat monetary ship has already hit the ice berg . We are now in panic and wondering if we should put our life jackets on . We really hope that someone will save us all , but do we really buy that? The central banks are printing pieces of paper to try and plug the gaping hole in the hull , but the water is relentless. Meanwhile the ship announcer (media) is telling everyone that help is on the way. Do we really believe this? Its simple , put your life jacket on and get ready.

i vote to go on a silver standard. have only silver banks, no paper money. paper has to backed by silver only. all coins to have 90 percent silver in them We weren't on a classical gold standard during the 1920s. Rothbard: "Over the entire period of the boom, we find that the money supply increased by $28.0 billion, a 61.8 percent increase over the eight-year period. This is an average annual increase of 7.7 percent, a very sizable degree of inflation. Total bank deposits increased by 51.1 percent, savings and loan shares by 224.3 percent, and net life insurance policy reserves by 113.8 percent."
Max Keiser showing you can protect your earnings by investing in gold and silver, so it does not hurt as bad as the politicians and central bankers smash the value of their currencies, hurting ordinary savers.Are you going to join Max Keiser in his Silver Keiser' Liberation Army .The silver train is leaving the station! Do NOT get left behind!Silver is extremely undervalued, but if you have enough capital to buy and sell large quantities you can take those profits and invest them in other assets so that you are not singularly exposed. Silver is so cheap that just about anyone can buy it and eventually accumulate enough for a substantial nest egg.

Gold once again came under pressure off the back of encouraging US data flow. Personal spending figures for February increased by 0.7% m/m, a better-than-expected result (consensus: 0.5% m/m) and a marked improvement on January’s increase of 0.3% m/m (revised). Pending home sales data also showed an unexpected increase, showing a 2.1% m/m in
February. This was particularly encouraging after the 2.8% m/m and 3.2% m/m declines seen in January and December, respectively.

The uptick in consumer spending and signs of a strengthening housing market have boosted investor optimism that the US economy is entering a more solid phase of growth. Consequently, the appeal of precious metals as a safe-haven has been diminished. However, over the medium term, global uncertainty (unrest in the MENA region, the Eurozone debt crisis and the prospects for the Japanese economy) remains high and we could see renewed interest in the complex, especially if there are any developments perceived as negative on these issues.

For today, given the focus on US data flow, we would watch this afternoon’s consumer confidence release closely. A disappointing number could dent the current optimism surrounding the US recovery and see safe-haven demand come back into vogue. However, given that expectations are already quite low (the measure is expected to fall to 65.0 in March, from 70.4) we believe that the risk of a disappointing figure is relatively low. Consequently, interest in precious metals could remain lacklustre for today.

Gold support is at $1,406 and $1,398. Resistance is at $1,426 and $1,438.
Gold at $1,500 in the next 3 months. says Dominic Schnider, Head of Commodity Research at UBS Wealth Management among the reasons he give are the weakness of the dollar the European debt problems and the possible bailout of Portugal

There are practically two schools of thought right now in one camp you have guys like Pastor Lindsey Williams who practically say get out of paper assets you cannot trust you need to get into physical assets like bullion gold and silver , the mining shares also being paper assets cannot be trusted as they may turn to be worth the paper they were written on , the second school of thought with reknown investors like John Embry and Eric Sprott who are saying you should take advantage of the silver and gold price rally by taking advantage of the leverage only available only to mining companies and mining shares ...

An encouraging sign that investors are less bearish on gold

Last week saw open interest begin to climb after having reached the lowest point for March in the previous week. As of last Friday, gold open interest stood at 1,622 tonnes on COMEX, from 1,609 tonnes the previous Friday. Accompanying this rise in open interest was a modest 0.8% w/w rise in the gold price.

Net speculative length also signalled tentative interest in gold, as it too rose from March’s low of the previous week. Rising 15.8 tonnes over the past week, the net speculative position for gold now stands at 676.9 tonnes. The rise was largely due to a removal of 35.5 tonnes in speculative shorts, even though at the same time, speculative longs fell by 19.7 tonnes. Although the increase was modest, it is an encouraging sign that investors are less bearish on gold. Should safe-haven demand remain intact, we could see gold recover from the liquidations seen in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake in Japan.

Speculative shorts, currently at 111.2 tonnes, are within touching distance of this year’s low (recorded in early January) of 103.6 tonnes. Should risk aversion continue to dominate markets (political unrest in the MENA region and debt concerns in the Eurozone), these short positions could fall further. The rise in open interest was more than offset by the increase in net speculative length, pushing the ratio of the two marginally higher, to 28.4% (from 28%). This is still largely in line with the 31% average seen during 2010. Although ETF holdings shed 0.5 tonnes, this is a fairly modest decline and should not cause alarm.
There is a big Selloff today in the Gold and Silver's market a lot of profit taking in this case a defensive approach is advised , gold price could go back as low as $1385 says analyst Phil Streible , this correction is a great occasion to buy more gold and silver a golden occasion that may not repeat itself before the summer when experts expect the Gold to go as high as $1500

In a recent interview with James Turk said that Gold is not just another commodity : JAMES TURK : No definitely not - because gold is not like other commodities. Gold is in fact not a commodity it's money. It's a tangible asset like other commodities but it is in a different asset class within this tangible asset group. Commodities are consumed and they disappear, gold does not get consumed, it doesn't disappear, it continues to be accumulated every year, there's about 1.5% more gold added to the above ground stock of gold - and the reason why gold is accumulated in this way is because it's money and as a consequence it has an interest rate structure that is determined by the market, so gold should be in backwardation even though interest rates don't show it.

Bob Chapman : Silver $60 /oz short term

Bob Chapman : ...Every two weeks I buy Silver and I do not care what the price is

Bob Chapman : my take is every two weeks I buy Silver and I do not care what the price is , it does not make any difference to me ...and I buy Gold too but mostly silver recently because I see the leverage that is involved , you are talking a hundred to one I talk 45 to one , but it dos not make any difference it's BIG and JP Morgan Chase and HSBC they're buried they can't get out , what we are talking about : $50 , $60 silver short term , what are we talking about ? a loss of 50 billion dollars ! that is a lot of money , now what I expect them to do when they get to that level and they cannot cover , they are gonna default
James Turk - Silver Backwardation Near All-Time Record , James Turk & Chris Waltzek - February 23, 2011
SIlver up 13% in the last month. Beats hell out of the 0.1% interest rate I was getting in the bank before I made my own little bank run.
If the Chinese are buying silver so should we! Buy silver it's a steal at the current prices. Look at historical charts, in 2000 it was $4.02 a troy & now its over $37, that means $10000 invested in 2000 would now equate to $90,000! buy silver instead of a new car!

Peter Schiff : Gold To Reach $5,000+/oz in the next ten years

Peter Schiff : I think the Gold is heading higher , the problem is not just the money that is in motion it's the printing presses , as long as we are doing Quantitative Easing the dollar is gonna lose value , in fact you mentioned what's keeping the Euro afloat . it is because you are measuring it against the dollar , and as weak as the Euro is the US Dollar is even weaker , we have hit today a record low against the Aussie Dollar....for the Gold to hit $5000 from here what is a triple , well Gold has more than tripled in the last ten years says Peter Schiff in fact i believe that gold will increase its rate of ascent in the next ten years versus the previous ten...

Yesterday saw an aggressive bout of speculative selling and profit-taking in afternoon trade. For gold and silver the trigger occurred around the $1,450 and $38 levels. Since then, gold and silver have started to rebound, with silver leading the way.

Continued conflict in Libya, growing focus on the European debt crisis and uncertainty surrounding the longer-term impact of the Japanese earthquake should keep investors interested in gold and silver. Poor durable goods out of the US, may also be lending support. Durable goods orders fell 0.9% m/m in February, far short of the 1.2% m/m increase the market expected. Signs that the US economy remains fragile are bullish for precious metals as it alleviates fears over an early reigning in of monetary accommodation.

To this end, US Consumer Confidence numbers, out later today, could prompt some reaction. Given that consumer buying remains the engine of the US economy (consumption expenditure accounts for around 70% of GDP), a poor result might benefit gold and silver.

Gold support is at $1,422 and $1,411. Resistance is at $1,447 and $1,460.
Gold posted a new High of $1448.60 before falling on Thursday , another big rally in metals , large amounts of physical metal moving from the middle east and north Africa towards Malaysia apparently the dictators in north Africa are trying to get their assets in a form that won't be locked up by freezing accounts but will be in a friendly country that is Malaysia , the general mood toward precious metals is still bullish

Gold yesterday on raised risk aversion, stemming from several developments. A bombing in Jerusalem further raised concerns over political stability and the possibility of further turmoil in the MENA region. The rejection of austerity measures by the Portuguese parliament has once again brought the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis into the spotlight. In addition, sentiment has been soured further by speculation that Moody’s will downgrade Spanish banks. The threat of financial contagion throughout the Eurozone is continuing to encourage interest in precious metals as a safe-haven. Not much is expected, in terms of a comprehensive package to address the debt crisis from the EU Summit starting today. For the most part, the rally in gold and silver continues, with silver leading the way on approach of new highs.

Gold support is at $1,430 and $1,420. Resistance is at $1,446 and $1,451.
Both Gold and Silver hit today all time heighs ,the bull market continues due to different factors , amongst which the weakness of the US Dollar the industrial demand from japan (regarding Silver ) the bad news about the housing market and also the fears regarding a new QE3 and the FED continuing to print more US Dollars and dump them in the market....

"Gold will rise to $5,000 an ounce in the next three to four years as governments across the globe fuel money supply and raise the prospect of currency debasement, " Robert McEwen, chief executive officer of U.S. Gold Corp., told Bloomberg Television today . Gold is benefiting from the Financial Uncertainty created by Portugal debt and possible bailout by the EU .The price of gold today surpassed the record of $ 1,444.95 reached on March 7 a historical highs never seen before .

Should the US restore the Gold Standard

The gold standard is what kept politicians in line, and kept out dollar strong. Arbitrarily printing money is weakening it - $4.7 trillion to $8.2 from 2001-2008 says everything. a dollar as good as gold could solve a lot of our trouble , the dollar's been devalued on purpose to prop up our real asset prices and stimulate exports and foreign investment in the US. It's all about increasing liquidity when there's a danger of liquidity drying up.Like any tangible commodity, the value of gold is arbitrary and susceptible to manipulation by the market. Altering the fraction in such a way would cause the value of Gold to rise exponentially at first, as I pointed out in a previous post, and then crash upon its value becoming inflated, resulting in an economic collapse. No, if such a transition would occur, it could be a gradual process only after the economy hits rock bottom and U.S. Treasuries begin to move into gold and other tangibles.

Gold was chosen, once upon a time, for its properties. Diamonds are not so practical as gold in that you can break up into any number of denominations without changing its mass/volume ratio. Can't do that with diamonds or Rubys. Silver has been used; in fact you could use it as another denomination as nickel and copper have been. Ever heard of nickels dimes and pennys?
You also have to remember that we had the gold standard in 1929 and the first four years of a depression. Nixon was forced to give it up because other countries would exchange their dollars for USD and buy gold. Result was gold was cheap to them. Therefore, the country was being depleted of gold. We have to be careful on what we do. But definitely END THE FED. Remember it is not the stock market that causes a depression. Rather it is the contraction of the money supplyortheammountof *principal.
Gold to go high but Silver to go even higher says Rene Marion, Gammon Gold president/CEO a Toronto based company says that he sees gold going to $1500 in the fall , because of the high inflation coming the tragedy in Japan which will add to inflationary pressure throughout the world for a lot of commodities and the devaluation of the US Dollar , Marion sees the Gold price going to $1500 dollars in the fall after we got through the summer lows and then an increase into 1800 , but silver will not only follow but surpass gold mainly because of industrial use that is expanding linked into the tragedy in Japan

Gaddafi uses gold to finance the war

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his regime is using the large Gold stock the Central Bank of Libya. to finance his war against the international community in accordance with Security Council resolution 1973, , after all their assets were frozen .The latest IMF data show that the central Libyan reserves of Gold are 143.8 tons . The value of this quantity of gold more than 6.5 billion dollars, and thus Libya is among the top 25 Gold Reserves worldwide ,although many observers believe that the real amount of gold in Libya is more than this amount declared by several tons.Gaddafi is now using the Gold to pay the salaries of an army of mercenaries being not able to export the Oil which is the most important sources of income in the Libyan state . The Financial Times quoted people familiar with the activity of Libya in the gold market as saying that while the majority of central banks keep their reserves of gold in London or New York or Switzerland, the Libyan gold is already in Libya.Remains the difficulty for Gaddafi to sell the Gold and get cash for it
Silver outperforming Gold on growing industrial demand and ongoing dollar weakness . Both Gold and Silver have been benefiting from the weakness of the dollar and the unrest in the middle east which reflected positively on the commodities market at a large

Target Gold Price Hits USD1,500 in Q3:11

COMEX gold has seen the net long non-commercial position decline to 27.96% of OI, down from 30.5% the previous week. Current levels are below the average level of 33% over the past 2 months. We believe that gold could touch $1,500. At this stage, we target $1,500 in Q3:11, as in the interim we foresee seasonal weakness in the physical gold market. The end of Q1
and Q2 typically see gold scrap volumes increase, which is likely to subdue the gold price.

The Gold support is at $1,406 and $1,393. Resistance is at $1,436 and $1,458.
A mile or two underwater deep in the oceans and seas there is Gold Silver Copper zinc and lead , Because of new technology high prices and high demand , deep ocean gold mining is becoming economically feasible for the first time . High demand for precious metals has fueled interest in deep ocean mining, as land-based resources get stretched and need increases to follow up with the high demand coming from nations such as China and India, which have growing economies but relatively few natural resources . David Heydon, Founder & Chairman of DeepGreen Resources, discusses The New Gold Mining Frontier in international waters

Jon Nadler, senior analyst at, says that the gold prices should be at $1500 by now due the weakness of the US dollar and other factors , but he does not expect the silver prices to go any higher from here , he projects the silver at $31 , $32 an ounce ....

Gold is best suited for a long term investments. The demand for gold as a currency and for jewelery has always been robust. Gold is very liquid and it exchangeable worldwide , The process of buying and selling with gold is quite quick. It offers near zero risk of value depreciation.Gold unlike stocks can never go to value Zero , One can even invest in gold online, nowadays. Investors can now buy, sell and virtually trade in gold commodity just like any other stock or equities. This has been a driving factor for many to invest in gold because investing online reduces the risk of actually owning the metal.But in this blog we always recommend the actual physical gold in your hand that you can touch feel and store , do not let anybody hold it or store it for you , better do it yourself .Gold prices are generally not affected by the fluctuation in the currency. The gold price does not rely on potency of the currency. Also, the price of gold is not influenced by any kind of political instabilities or crisis.However, gold doesn't provide any immediate appreciable income. The value of the income has to be seen over the long term.People buy gold in order to preserve the value of their money not for a quick gain cause gold is real money it has been so for more than 5000 years , hold it hoard it and wait ...the longer the better

David Morgan, The Currency Crisis has begun

Andrew Maguire Re-Emerges: Ex-Goldman Trader Exposes JPMorgan, HSBC In Latest Silver Price Manipulation Class Action Lawsuit , I believe mining stocks will really outperform the metals!!!too many scams on eBay - or even local dealers ,stick to Apmex, Monex, Gainesvillescoins Honest people - few worries - good prices , some experts like Adrian Douglas are calling for silver to become extinct in two or three years.Tim Butler is more cautious nd speaks about 4-5 yrs.Well... the geologists said Ag is the first element which will disappear on the periodical table... so... let's buy, and hope!.bottom line is we "can finally see the bottom of the well. But so many rumors. Heard Bill Clinton and Chinese have billion ounces hidden ready to trash market when time comes. Next will be aliens dropping silver eagles from flying saucers. It will never "disappear". May become so rare only used in applications that can justify, say, a price of $10,000 an ounce. Who knows what the future holds. I still believe gvt will steal it all.

David Morgan on The Asian Demand for Gold and Silver

David Morgan and John Doody on The Asian Demand for Gold and Silver - Financial Sense Newshour Mar/18/2011
China has been stockpiling gold since 2003 China has been buying via government channels from South Africa, Russia and South America . China is the world's largest gold producer and does not permit exports of gold ingots, only jewelery, leaving plentiful supplies for the domestic market.China produced 282 tonnes of gold last year,Investment demand in China rose to 68.9 tonnes from 25.6 tonnes in 2007. But that was still less than one third of retail demand in India, where total bullion consumption topped 660 tonnes last year.

Asian demand for silver is still strong and further physical silver shortage could develop.China and its people are getting richer. They have high savings rate which enables them to invest in production and buy gold, silver and other commodities.
As Chinese people getting richer they will want to increase their standards of living. They will create demand for electronics and other consumer goods.As we know it's impossible to make iphone or TV without silver.Silver is the best electricity conductor.There is a lot of potential for high silver demand.Around 20% of World's population lives in China.
Jim Rogers says gold will be a great investment over the next decade as it is expected to test USD 2000 per ounce .Gold is more than just another commodity, it’s a currency. It is THE currency that has been the foundation of every worthwhile economy on the planet for over 5,000 years.Depression is coming and paper will be worthless.Physical gold is alot higher than COMEX.Perth(Australia) has now stopped taking orders until January.GOLD IS A CURRENCY!!!!

'Paper' gold is just as safe as a stock, 'electronic' gold is even less safe. Neither will be available to trade when the dollar collapses.

Gold support still firm

Gold is finding resistance on approach of $1,430. While this may continue for some time, and we do not discount a correction towards $1,380, we still believe that gold will touch new highs in 2011. As pointed out on in Commodities Daily of 25 Feb 2011, apart from heightened risk aversion due to the political tensions in the Middle East, the rise in crude oil is resulting in
secondary developments which we believe are adding further support to gold. Also, real interest rates have been dropping like a stone again. Currently, the US 5 year inflation linked bond yield is at its lowest level since at least 2004.

The decline in real interest rates is the result of a rapid increase in inflation expectations in recent days, while nominal interest rates remain largely unchanged. As pointed out in Commodities Daily yesterday, given that
  1. inflation has been largely absent in the US, and
  2. the US Fed doesn't target inflation explicitly, the likelihood of the US raising nominal rates remains small. In fact, the probability the futures market assigns to a rate hike of 25 bps by year-end has declined in recent weeks, from 36.8% at the start of January, to only 22% yesterday.
Furthermore, we view the statement by the Bank of Japan this morning, where they indicate they would pursue powerful monetary easing and continue to pursue ample liquidity, as bullish for gold. Therefore, given that short-term nominal rates aren’t likely to rise, real interest rates should remain low by historical standards. Furthermore, as long as the Fed continues to expand
its balance sheet, and other countries continue to accumulate foreign reserve assets, global liquidity should continue to grow. We therefore expect gold to move higher in 2011.

We believe that gold could touch $1,500. At this stage, we target $1,500 in Q3:11, as in the interim we foresee seasonal weakness in the physical gold market. The end of Q1 and Q2
typically see gold scrap volumes increase, which is likely to subdue the gold price.
JAMES TURK : ..." I think it is - gold is the bedrock asset in your portfolio. You don't want to take risks with it so you have to be very careful how you store it and where you store it and thing that I always recommend is if you store it in a vault somewhere you always have to get third party independent verification that your gold and silver, if you own silver as well, are actually there in your name, recorded, not encumbered in any way and not loaned out by some bank. So I don't recommend storing in bank vaults, I recommend storing in private vaults like we do in Gold Money - we use a large Swiss company, VIA MAT International to store our customers' gold. So what you really want to do is be careful with your metal. You don't want to take risks with it and storage is an extremely important part of that component." he said in an interview with
James Turk Gold to shoot to $8000/oz Hyperinflation a sure thing : do not think gold is expensive , just keep on saving in Gold ....

Gold rebounded briefly yesterday off light physical interest and investor bargain-buying. However, with the open of New York markets, investor confidence faded and selling ensued. This liquidation gained momentum overnight ahead of the Asian market open, as investors grew anxious about a repeat of the previous day’s massive sell-off on TOCOM. In addition, sales of gold and silver were mostly likely worsened by the need to cover losses on equities and other commodities.

Asian trade began with initial bout of good buying of gold and silver, and even a light uptake of PGMs, however sentiment once again soured as the Nikkei initially plummeted 4%. Equities subsequently recovered bringing the Nikkei to close down by only 1.4%. Gold mirrored the rebound in equities, and the momentum as continued into this morning’s trading session. Buying interest remains relatively strong, although PGMs remain vulnerable to liquidation.

Developments in the nuclear crisis in Japan will have a significant influence on whether Gold, can sustain the upward momentum. US bond markets reflect speculation that monetary policy tightening could be put off for a while longer than originally expected. Given that break-even inflation remains largely unchanged, we ascribe this more to lower economic growth prospects rather than lowered inflation expectations. While a slowdown in growth might hurt PGMs, a longer period of loose monetary policy would benefit gold and silver from a liquidity perspective.

Gold support is at $1,393 and $1,385. Resistance is at $1,408 and $1,414.
The gold stocks are certainly a wise way to bet on a rising gold price, but the differences with an investment in physical gold are enormous. The stock price evolves according to several factors: cost structure, available gold reserves, production cost, geopolitical risks ... A shareholder of a gold mine which was nationalized, for example, will be in deep trouble. Actions are never a refuge, not even when linked to gold. The physical gold and gold stocks are two very different asset classes. The physical gold is more insurance against inflation, the current monetary systems of the central banks and the shocks of the financial system. The gold stocks can be a speculative mean on a subsequent rise in the price of gold. Rob McEwen, Chairman & CEO of US Gold and founder of Goldcorp explains the difference between the Junior and the Senior mining stocks and why he prefers the juniors

Financial markets across the globe remain focused on Japan. Problems at the Fukushima nuclear plant are keeping Japan in the headlines and raising uncertainty about the extent of the damage to this economy and, more specifically, the manufacturing sector. As highlighted yesterday, among the precious metals, PGMs have borne the brunt of this uncertainty and the prolonged
disruption to Japanese manufacturing. Nevertheless, the liquidation of positions by Japanese investors has also affected gold and silver, with the selling spilling over into the European and US markets yesterday.

Overnight, along with a rebound in Nikkei stocks, the sell-off of precious metals seems to have abated (although platinum and palladium still look vulnerable). As is the case for equities, it would appear that investors consider yesterday’s sell-off as overdone and are cautiously re-entering the precious metals market. This, together with a weaker dollar and some interest from the physical market, could see some upside for gold and silver. The situation remains volatile for PGMs.

Gold support is at $1,377 and $1,355. Resistance is at $1,426 and $1,452
John Embry Sprott Asset Management Gold Over $2,000, Silver Above $50 in 2011

I heard that the USA will be out of money in around March 4, 2011. Bernanke the money printer as Marc Faber calls him . I thought he was just printing and imputing the crap into the Federal Reserves Beast Computer devaluing the currency. Maybe they will say phoque it and run it off the cliff.Goodbye Pension Plans. Silver at $50 or even at $500 is not beyond the realms of possibilities, there have been plenty of smart and savy commentators whom have suggested that certainly $400 is going to be a given! I've read others who paint a convincing forecast towards $15,000 Gold and $1,500 silver! Hold on to your positions, the mainstream public have yet to realise what is happening, when it does, that's the time to get ready to sell. When the DOW and FTSE are at parity with Gold ratio! Gold isnt in a bubble. The Fed is a bubble and its about to burst. End the Fed. However I hope the manipulation continues for a little longer because that will allow people to acquire more silver. Silver will outperform gold by a country mile. 2% of the population only invest in metals at present. We need to educate the general population because we will all have to help each other soon in the new normal world."I find it beyond remarkable that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner can say with a straight face that the U.S. would not devalue the dollar for export advantage. He did exactly that in a speech to Silicon Valley business leaders just before an important meeting of the finance ministers of the G20 countries in Seoul, South Korea, in late October. I would suggest that this represents another classic example of making sure you pay attention to what people do rather than what they say. Geithner's obvious mendacity probably also contributed mightily to the essential failure of the Seoul conclave to arrive at any substantive answers on the subject of the intensifying currency wars." John Embry wrote few months ago in an oped article in the Investor's Digest of Canada
Gold rising above 1,400 .Gold on the rise in Asian markets. In Singapore, the yellow metal rose to $ 1,400.38 an ounce the yellow metal back above $ 1,400 an ounce (1400.38), gaining 0.3%.The Federal Reserve U.S. central bank held its latest Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on monetary policy on Tuesday. The FOMC holds eight regularly scheduled meetings during the year and other meetings as needed. The FED decided to continue with its $600 billion QE quantitative easing program and kept interest rates unchanged at record low levels.

ALERT : Fake Mexican Silver Coins

There are a lot of fake Mexican silver coins, all denominations and old dates as well, first tMexican Silver Coinshing is see if a magnet will stick to it, most I have seen that have the weight and feel are magnetic, A lot of Mexican silver coinage is either .903, .8 ,or .72 fine silver, there were very few denominations made from 10%, the 1957 - 1967 peso comes to mind.Most mexican silver dollars are only 10% silver.There are some very nice Mexican coins worth collecting and there are some that are basically worth scrapping...
Asians immense passion for gold continues to grow , China's Gold Imports Soaring almost a fivefold : Under the impetus of a persistent inflation in China and concern for maintaining its currency, the demand for gold in the Asian continent continues to be increasing and reached a record high in first quarter 2011.In this context, the 'new rich' and households with higher incomes in both China and India are turning increasingly to the precious metal as a way to diversify their investments.Just in the month of January, the Commercial Bank of China, a major financial institution in the country, has sold a total of 7 tons of gold bullion, which equates to around half of all sales transactions recorded by the bank over the year 2010. One reason for this growing demand for gold in China is still higher prices, which rose 4.9% in January compared to the same month last year. While analysts expected a higher figure, close to 5.3%, concern about inflationary pressures on the huge Asian continent could lead the Central Bank to review interest rates on the rise.Bank of China has been actively promoting gold and silver products for years. Silver & Gold Pandas can be purchased once again by special order but to my knowledge can no longer be purchased on-site at the bank. Prices for Silver Pandas have increased from about 160RMB a year ago to now about 240 - 270 RMB per coin. The price varies by dealer. One thing is for certain, demand is sure there. Prices will only increase. We are just getting started in the greatest bull run for precious metals in history! and Asia is the biggest player in this bull market
Investing in Gold
Tips on How to invest in gold and silver wisely :

Investors who see gold and silver as the main protection against inflation, can use several ways of investing money into precious metals, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

• Direct purchase of gold and silver in the form of ingots, coins, etc.;
• purchase of shares of gold mining companies;
• Investing in mutual funds specializing in investments in shares of companies that produce silver or gold.

During periods of hyperinflation, direct investment in bullion and coins are likely to be more profitable than acquiring shares in mining companies. In extreme circumstances, which include hyperinflation, shares of mining companies may be taxed by special state taxes such as additional income taxes that were applied to oil companies in the 70's. And, of course, the government may again prohibit the acquisition of the ownership of gold and silver, which would put investors in a quandary. How often and correctly note, rare coins, attracting the attention of investors during periods of market recovery of gold and silver provide a good yield, comparable with the yield muyu long-term investment. However, rare coins should not be considered in the same context as the full-weight coins, such as American Eagles, Canadian Maple Leafs and Krugerrands, prices are tied to the value contained in them the precious metal. Collecting rare coins, in fact, not much different from collecting stamps, ceramics, art objects or beer cans. Accurate assessment, competence and reputation of the seller, the study and comparison of different proposals - key conditions for success in this market.

With inflation hovering between the middle and high income, the best option of investment is likely to represent the shares of mining companies and funds that specialize in securities of these companies. Buying these stocks do not related to the high commission and the cost of maintenance and storage inherent in investing in precious metals. During such periods, the shares can be very high dividends.

Typically, shares of mining companies YUAP sold through ADRs or mutual funds, and for them is characterized by a lower ratio of D / P and higher dividends than in shares of gold mining companies in the U.S. and Canada. However, despite the attractiveness of companies YUAP, many investors never buy them because of personal dislike of apartheid, or high political risk.

Investors should not forget about the possibility of civil unrest, strikes and other problems in South Africa. As already mentioned, in this country account for a large portion of the total world production of gold. Gold mining industry, which employs 450 thousand workers (mostly blacks), has a large share of the economy and exports of the country. Any sudden interruption in the supply of gold from South Africa could lead to a sharp increase its world market prices and lower stock prices of South African gold mining companies, at least for a while.

Investors seeking to diversify their equity portfolio of South African gold mining companies, can use the services of private investment company ASA Ltd., Whose shares are traded on the NYSE. Statement by the African National Congress of the termination of their guerrilla war in South Africa, made in August of 1990, considerably strengthened the confidence of investors in this country. ASA pays annual cash dividend over the past 30 years.

Global markets are fixated on Japan. Equity markets are under pressure following the plummet in the Nikkei this morning. We saw not only selling of equities, but also panic-selling of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in Japan today. The behaviour of the bond market in Japan and the US indicates that Friday’s disaster in Japan will be negative for economic growth. Both markets saw a decline in bond yields which is consistent with higher risk aversion and lower growth expectations.

A slump in growth in the world’s third-largest economy may have a substantial impact on the outlook for global monetary policy. It may move monetary tightening into the future. If so, it would be bullish for especially gold. In the physical gold market, there is buying interest on approach of $1,400 since Thursday last week. However, our view remains that resistance is great when gold approach $1,430.

Gold break below $1,400, we would look at $1,370 as the next major support level.
Huge Gold and Silver sell off following Japan Quake some rumors say that Japan is selling gold to raise Cash , investors panic to sell gold for cash. Gold index is on the spot price down almost 35 dollars , some are saying with production down because plants are being closing down we may see profit taken and liquidation in both Gold and Silver ....Spot gold prices traded in nervous fashion this morning, following a weak opening near the $1,411 level on the bid-side. the psychological level of $1,400 could not been maintained and the spot price is at present around $1393 /oz , Silver have seen more than 2% drop
How to take advantage of rising gold prices

The troubles in North Africa and the Middle East that drove up oil prices, prompting investors to seek refuge again in gold. However, gold stocks did not follow the pace. Wrongly or rightly?
After undergoing a correction earlier this year the gold price has again topped $ 1,400. Any investor arises the same question: "How to benefit?". The most common alternatives are buying physical gold (bullion or coins) and trackers (index funds) on gold. In contrast, gold mines shares are less known. And yet: the rising price of gold should be a good deal for the mining companies too.

The Problem of The Volatility :

The volatility is characteristic of gold stocks. This volatility is a major cause: the price of gold. Suppose the price of gold rises from 1300 to 1430 dollars (+10%). For a mining company whose cost of production amounts to 1,000 dollars, the same increase should generate earnings growth of 43%. In theory, because profit margins are not only the price of gold. That said, this leverage also echoed in the share prices of "gold diggers". Since 2001, the date of the beginning of the upward trend of the gold metal price has quintupled. Gold Bugs Index The index is almost three times better over the same period and is 14 times higher today. Investors, however, have endured the effects of the crash in 2008 (-30%).

Risks of Investing in Gols :

The major mining groups are Barrick Gold, Newmont and Goldcorp Goldminings, "senior", or values ​​established in the sector, which produce gold in abundant quantities. And then there are the "junior", the smaller mines or the real gold diggers: companies looking for operating sites, which are developing promising projects but only a handful actually succeed in extracting gold from the earth.

The potential gains are enormous in this third category of activity, measurement of risk. Find a junior position to keep its promises, however, the challenge is to evaluate the potential of these businesses, we need to seek a network of experts of all kinds, including geologists. The area is complex and evolves with divergent factors. For the individual investor, analysis essential information is difficult toget and is burdensome.

Diversification good or bad :

For investors seeking broad diversification, ETFs on an index of mining companies can provide an initial response. The Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX) consists for example of the largest gold mines in the world. There are also a junior version (GDXJ). Helped by rising gold (+28%), these two ETFs have gained last year's 33 and 55% respectively

Gold and silver are benefiting from a renewed flight to safety in the wake of the earthquake in Japan. Ongoing unrest in the MENA region is also contributing to uneasy investor interest. Over the next few weeks, further support could come from a weaker dollar, as Japanese financial institutions are forced to repatriate funds through the sale of dollar-denominated assets, in order to pay out insurance claims and rebuild the Japanese economy.

New yuan loans eased substantially in February, and although this slowdown is partly seasonal it does indicate continued monetary tightening in China. This caused some price weakness in gold and silver, although this proved temporary, given the elevated levels of risk aversion.

Gold support is at $1,410 and $1,397. Resistance is at $1,430 and $1,437.
Gold investment
What investment in gold is best for you?
Gold creates a real passion now. To take advantage of the gold rally several options are available . But beware: any form of investment does not suit everyone.
Since the bursting of the financial crisis, demand for gold as an investment is rising again. This growing popularity is also reflected in the figures compiled by the World Gold Council, an advocacy organization in the gold sector. In 2008, total world demand for gold as an investment (bullion, coins and ETFs) has reached $ 24 billion, an increase of 10 billion from the previous year. The trend continues since then . In late September, demand for gold as an investment accounted for 43 billion dollars. And the counter never stops turning. There are no accurate statistics for any country let alone for the whole world , but a survey of the major banks tells us that investors worldwide are rediscovering gold as an investment and a safe heaven. Rising demand pushes gold prices to their highs. All time records have been reached and it never stops some analysts say Gold could go as far as $2000 $5000 or even $15000 and $50000 . This week the gold price has reached 1,440 dollars. Compared to the potential of gold prices, opinions diverge. Some analysts believe that the ceiling has already been reached, others see the metal move towards $ 2,000 or more this year. But these projections are interesting as more speculators enter the market. But the average Investor should only care on how to protect his assests from an ever falling dollar . Investment in gold can be accomplished in different ways and each one provides a different investment profile.

* Gold Mining Shares : The shares of gold mines are for the aggressive investor anticipation of an upturn after the crisis. "Leverage is important in the gold market. "When the gold was up 100%, the gold mines are assessed by 300%! However, investors should keep an eye on costs and worry about the political stability of the region where the mine is located, .
* ETFs : ETFs are index funds that reflect the changing price of gold. With each purchase, equivalent in physical gold is bought and placed in a vault in the bank. "Rumors say that gold is physically but not always covered by futures, options and insurance. If several operators had the bad idea of ​​committing malpractice in deliveries, these products would collapse, . According to experts, ETFs are good for investors who wish to speculate on short-term price movements of gold.
* Bullion : Buy bullion and gold coins and keep them in a trunk: now even the simplest way to invest in gold. These ingots and coins can be bought and sold in several banks or traditional banks specific gold. The physical gold suits investors seeking defensive protection of their investment portfolio.
Unrest in the middle east and north Africa , Geopolitical events, oil prices skyrocketing, the Greek crisis, the weak dollar, all these factors are pushing up the prices of gold and silver which are hitting all time records , The Fear of inflationary growth fueled demand for safe-haven investment , analysts and manufacturers expect further price rises, especially if the crisis gets worse in Libya and expand to other countries • Gold and silver continue their rally in the wake of tensions and violence in the Middle East and North Africa. At the second London fixing the yellow metal has updated the highs climbing to $ 1437.5 per ounce, in New York during the sitting Gold futures hit a peak of $ 1,445, then downsized slightly. Also in London, silver jumped more than 6% up to 36.6 U.S. dollars an ounce, a level never seen in the last years. a number of factors have contributed To heat up the gold prices, , particularly the geopolitical situation. In recent weeks the gold (and silver) is in fact confirmed as a safe haven by excellence in the light of fears of inflationary growth, fueled by continued increases in oil prices - the prices recently reached their maximum of two and a half years driven by fears of an escalation of clashes in Libya and a possible domino effect in countries such as Bahrain or Saudi Arabia - and the difficult economic situation in some European countries, first of all Greece, whose ratings were downgraded yesterday by Moody's. Add to this also the weakness of the dollar, which yesterday again lost ground against the euro due to expectations of a more aggressive monetary POLICIES by the European Central Bank than the U.S. Fed. But that's not all. The demand for gold, not only for investment remains strong, especially in Asia and the prices are at record (in the respective currencies) in India and Japan. And the predictions are for further rises. Recently JP Morgan analysts during a conference in Toronto, estimated for this year to an average price of $ 1,465 an ounce. Similar expectations also of Anglo-Gold Ashanti - the world third largest gold miner - which provides for much higher prices this year of the current. HSBC Global Asset Management to throw water on the fire instead. The prices - they say - are already very high and for the future, especially to protect against any acceleration in inflation, it might be better to focus on other things, such as shares or other commodities (maybe oil) with highest growth potential. this also apply to silver, whose prices are rising much faster than gold, a race report confirmed by the gold / silver ratio which yesterday dropped below fourth for the first time since February 1998. With gold prices moving upward, the silver is well positioned to do more some analyst believe. The growing demand for investment (for silver and other precious metals). I think the fundamentals of the sector give grounds for further price rises, although we may see a setback in the short term.
JAMES TURK: We are going to hit the $1,800 - it’s just a question of time. It will probably happen in the first quarter. This is normally a seasonal strong time of the year and there are a lot of fundamental factors that are driving gold higher so we won’t hit $1,800 before year end but we could hit $1,500 though even though we have a few weeks left, it’s still a reasonable target but we should be looking for $1,800 in the first quarter of 2011.
The Yellow metal just below the record
14 MAR - Gold rising in electronic trading in Asia at $ 1,432.68 an ounce (+1.1%). The yellow metal is positioned just below the record mark of $ 1,444.95 of March 7

Japan Quake impact on The Gold and the dollar

Mar. 11 2011 | Discussing whether gold and the dollar remain "safe haven" plays on the Japan earthquake and tsunami news, with Dan Denbow, USAA Precious Metals & Minerals Fund, and Joseph Trevisani, FX Solutions.

Mike Maloney interviewed by Max Keiser on The Keiser Report.

Mike Maloney is the author of the "Rich Dad's guide to investing in Gold and Silver" and has a lot of knowledge on economic history.

Mike talks about the banking system and how they create and expand the money supply via fractional loaning.
He explains the future and the debt crisis and how it will boost gold and silver.

In his book he describes "The Biggest Wealth Transfer in The History of Man Kind".
You can become extremely wealth during times of economic turmoil... If you know how!
Junk silver, best value in silver space; silver shortages . is Silver Shortages Real ?
Financial Sense Newshour Metals Update with David Morgan
I think that is what Morgan trying to say. It is possible to buy silver,David Morgan is one of the more sensible guys out there providing information about the silver market availability and pricing.Jim puplava and David Morgan..... minute 14:57 tight situation... minute 15:50 the premiums are going up and after that they are pushing junk silver.

David Morgan - March 9 2011 Podcast

David Morgan  founder of, March 9 2011 Podcast- Gold:Silver Ratio, Silver Wheaton, Inflation/Deflation . David Morgan sheds light on some behind-the-scenes realities of the silver market. The main problem with the precious metal is that, in some transactions there is no real, physical silver and what the investor gets in return for his money is paper silver. Some federal banks have pursued the trend for a quite long time and continue to do add to their huge pile of liability by issuing more and more paper silver.Gold was the investment of the last decade Silver is the Investment of this decade says Eric Sprott ...BUY THE SILVER NOW!.

Is Silver  an investment or  is it money or both ?. If anything it is the dollar which is the investment - and a very bad one at that.If the true nature of the silver market were exposed, and if the CFTC would do it's job and force the big banks to reduce their shorts to a significantly smaller number of short contracts [invisible silver] then we will definitely see 250 dollar silver .silver has to be measured against other commodities, as well as the stock market, and possibly even housing. That's the only real way to tell how "expensive" it is.
All the housing in the U.S is valued over 20 trillion. The stock market is 12 trillion. All the Silver on the planet above ground is 250 billion.
video coverage by Kitco News of the 2011 Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Trade Show (PDAC)
PDAC 2011: Kitco News

David Schectman founder Miles Franklin says SELL ALL GOLD & PUT IT INTO SILVER....
buy any good deal u can ignore the roller coaster and SIT ON UR PRECIOUS , the silver/gold ratio has nowhere to go but down-buy silver now

If JP Morgan is working to suppress prices at the behest of the fed or government, and it is too big to fail, then they don't care about paying premiums for people not to take delivery. They'll get bailed out for losses anyway.
Gold going $3000 to $4000 in 2012 says Lindsey Williams
given the current ratio of 39.61 to 1, then once gold reaches $3000 silver should be at least worth $75 USD/oz however if you read my other post, I did mention that i believe it will worth more than $75/oz before Gold reaches $3000.

Pastor Lindsay has been spot on for years now
Pastor Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners,&quot ; he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.
Eric Sprott - Silver going to $100 - March 1st 2011 . Eric sprott speaking from the mining conference in Florida

Gold are rebounding after several days of profit-taking

As anticipated, Gold are rebounding after several days of profit-taking and lacklustre investor demand. Once again, it is the demand for safety that is driving the buying of Gold, as geopolitical tensions in the MENA region escalate and spread. Gaddafi forces have resumed air strikes on opposition forces in key oil centres along the Libyan coastline. The threat of political instability spreading to Saudi Arabia (the world’s largest exporter) has been raised by calls for today to be a “Day of Rage”. We believe that the risk of significant political turmoil in Saudi Arabia remains low. Nevertheless, the markets are anxious.

The recent downgrade of Spain’s sovereign credit rating has seen market fears surrounding the Eurozone debt crisis resurface. This is most likely also contributing to renewed interest in the safe-haven appeal of Gold. The earthquake in Japan and yesterday’s disappointing US jobless claim numbers could also be contributing to the markets unease, adding to support for Gold.

Chinese inflation figures came in only slightly higher than expected. However, an announcement of tighter monetary policy (most likely in the form of increased reserve requirements) could still be imminent. This might give Gold bulls pause ahead of the weekend. We expect a knee-jerk sell off (and advocate buying in such a dip) should such an announcement be made.

Gold support is at $1,402 and $1,389. Resistance is at $1,431 and $1,446.
Gold Prices at Top of Range
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- David Morgan, founder of, breaks down gold's new range now that the metal is not fulfilling its role as a safe haven asset.

Gold prices reversing some earlier losses on safe haven buying after earthquake slammed Japan. Because gold index is and a spot price up but just about three dollars thank you David mark and founder of silver investor dot -- to David. A question here is why isn't gold you know when he -- higher what's gonna holding back. Gold's safe haven rally here.
In this video, Francis Schutte, Founder of, tells James Turk, Founder/Chairman of GoldMoney and Director of the GoldMoney Foundation how he got interested in gold in the Seventies and Eighties. Neither of both accept Ben Bernanke to increase interest rates like Paul Volcker did in the Eighties. The United States would not be able to absorb a rise in interest costs. Not raising the rates would lead to Weimar style hyperinflation, according to James.

Some profit-taking by short-term investors continues to weigh on Gold. Nevertheless, light buying is evident on dips (especially in gold) which is keeping prices in a relatively tight range. With no news on developments in the MENA region most investors are waiting on the sidelines. There has been no change in physical market activity, which remains lacklustre even though prices have moved lower.

However, given the poor performance in equities across the globe, it is safe to assume that risk aversion is still in play. As such, we still see the potential for upside in precious metals (especially gold and silver) as long as the situation in Libya remains unresolved.

Gold support is at $1,424 and $1,417. Resistance is at $1,439 and $1,445
David Morgan -- Gold:Silver Ratio, Silver Wheaton, Inflation/Deflation

Jay Carter, host of explains why he's not saving money, but instead holds his saved wealth in the form of physical silver.

Peter Schiff was right. Buy Silver

Peter Schiff was right. Buy Silver
"Our paper money is precious" I actually laughed when I heard that
That 2006 CNBC video is PRICELESS!!! Peter Schiff is saying the same thing in 2011 and he is right again! (Peter Schiff on CNBC FastMoney 2/28/2011)Peter Schiff is one of my favorite economist along with Milton Freedman

Tye Burt, chief executive officer of Kinross Gold Corp., discusses the outlook for gold prices and the company's gold production and business strategy. Burt speaks with Bloomberg's Adam Johnson at the BMO Capital Markets Global Metals & Mining Conference in Hollywood, Florida. (Source: Bloomberg)

Despite ongoing unrest in Libya, appetite for risk appears to be making a tentative reappearance. In addition, the possibility that OPEC might increase output has tempered the rally in oil prices, easing concerns over rising global inflation. The factors have seen investor interest in precious metals dwindle, pushing the complex marginally lower. Physical buying remains on the sidelines, which is also weighing on gold and silver. However, we maintain that this dip is temporary and that the potential for more upside exists as long as the conflict in Libya remains unresolved and as the political upheaval spreads to other oilproducing countries in the MENA region.

Gold support is at $1,424 and $1,417. Resistance is at $1,439 and $1,445.
Jon Nadler, senior analyst for Kitco Metals, discusses Libya, oil prices, OPEC, and what this means for gold; China, India, inflation, and base metals also discussed. Daniela Cambone reports.

Silver : Safety With a Cyclical Twist - safe haven buyers prefer Silver to Gold
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Nick Brooks, head of research and investment strategy for ETF Securities, says safe haven buyers are out in Europe and are preferring silver.

Gold price is on the rise and they haven -- he could be and it did Tuesday eloped. Because gold index is on the spot price over three dollars joining me nick brooks had a research and investment strategy ETF securities. Now it which is safe haven buying coming from today and it doesn't look -- coming from the Middle East North Africa region so weird coming.
SILVER MANIPULATION DAY OF RECKONING - David Morgan & Mike Maloney In Las Vegas

Physical market resists a higher gold price

While the political turmoil in the MENA region is inflating investment demand for gold, physical demand for the metal has been lacklustre. The rise in investment demand is evident in the increase in the net long non-commercial gold position in the physical market over the past 4 weeks, but also in the steady rise in gold ETF holdings since the start of February.

However, the physical market is in a seasonally weak period. With gold approaching $1,440, we see physical selling consistently outpacing physical buying. The intensity of selling activity as a result of resistance to a higher gold price, is not yet as strong as the same period in 2009 and 2010. The main difference between now and the two previous years, is buying interest continues to appear on dips at the moment (currently dips towards $1,400), which is offsetting some of the selling pressure.

The move in the physical market, from providing support in January and early February, to providing resistance, is evident in our Standard Bank Gold Physical Flow Index (GPFI) which has recently declined from close to all-time high levels during the middle of February to negative territory last week (see graph). A negative value indicates we observe a physical market that is on net a seller of gold, while a positive value indicates we observe a physical gold market which is
on net a buyer. Physical gold demand is weak and we are entering a period where rallies in gold are likely to attract more scrap and other gold selling. Our view on gold remains unchanged. We maintain that the metal could reach $1,500. While we still target $1,500 to be reached in Q3:11, MENA tension may push gold towards our target earlier. Tactically, where we saw fundamental
support, and value, below $1,340 at the end of January, we now see fundamental support below $1,370.

The main reason we do not bring forward our target of $1,500 is the seasonal weakness in physical demand — we believe that resistance in the physical market has assisted in capping
rallies in gold the past two weeks — and that it may continue to cap rallies for a few more weeks
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Anthony Neglia of Tower Trading breaks down the silver trade as prices keep breaking to 31-year highs.
Silver hits a 31 year high at $36.74 is it time to take profits or do you wanna stay long ?

Anthony Neglia :'...Well I guess did you before -- see a lot of the profit taking is being done from overnight highs the intraday lows OK and we haven't broken. Any major trend lines to the downside yes thirty dollars would probably be a very cycle -- you know psychologically damaging for the -- investor OK but for those that. Are looking to get in at lower levels that would probably be the area that -- you know that I feel that it would would stop and some renewed buying interest. I mean there's a tremendous amount of open interest in the -- forty dollar call we have about 101000 Dodd 101000 contracts -- They don't expire for another month towards the end of April so if we get a hint of 38 to forty dollars over. This to be very very interesting. Moved to the upside if those calls happened to go in the money. Heinous thing any short contracts right now. Not really -- there is some profit taking on some options areas. As far as we're concerned but I don't see anybody taking any significant short positions in futures or an options okay -- beyond. This which is. The switches that have been done you still have a lot of shorts now because of the back would be seen in the further out months so eventually those are going to have to be bought back. Okay which. Renews my. Renews my faith in the fact that this is going to be -- continued rally. Question how are you treating you taking profits during the day in and buying back -- I like to take it from the elected taking from the long side finding areas that I would rather buy. And areas that I would rather sell so what that area like -- that area for me is the you know 35 area -- you know makes over. OK and -- you can take you know twenty -- profits in two day that's you know very good day's pay....'